Chapter nine

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It's the voice Kai could never get out of his head.
The voice that's been haunting his nightmares for as long as he can remember.
The reason why drinking has always been his sweet escape.
It's the only thing he can hear now.

The high pitched sound of a five year old girl crying out for help echoes through his head, leaving him with a migraine.
He runs aimlessly across an endless dark terrain looking for the girl but finds no answer. Her voice gets louder, her pleas become more desperate and he frantically looks around for any sort of sign.
He will save her this time.
That's the only thought running through his head.

The running tires him out. He feels frustrated to a point where he can pull out his hair. The girls voice gets even louder and he summons all his strength to keep searching but it's no hope because she's not there.

He tries covering his ears for a moment to think clearly but that doesn't help. The voice seems to call out from his mind, deep inside his brain and it shows no sign of stopping.

He still continues running.
At one point, all his sense are distracted in looking for the girl that he doesn't realize he stumbles head first into open water.

He starts to sink.



He doesn't fight back.
This is the only place where the voice is completely silent.
He goes completely still and dwells in the peacefulness of the quiet.
Not realizing that he's going to run out of air soon...

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