Chapter thirty-three

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Lilli cannot describe the feeling of happiness she experiences when she sees the familiar black hair picking strawberries in the distance. She excitedly runs towards the women the way a child would run towards their favorite candy store.

She eventually reaches the women and wraps her tightly in her arms, leaving no room for words. The women is surprised at first but once she recognizes Lilli's face, she pulls her into another tight hug. When she finally releases Lilli, she looks at her in admiration. She tucks a loose piece of hair behind her ears and smiles at her.

"I've missed you mom!" Lilli finally manages to say, the effect of her excitement finally wearing off.
"Aww my baby, I've missed you more that you can even imagine." Her mother's voice reaches the high pitch it always gets when she's happy.

They spend moments in the field just like old times. Her mom holds the basket and Lilli reaches into the bushes and pulls out only the brightest strawberries.

This is what she calls happiness. Spending her days with her mom picking fruits and talking about whatever's on their minds. Now she tells tales of her days in France and of the happy years she spent with her foster family. While listening, her mother can't help but feel a tremendous amount of gratitude towards her foster siblings and encourages Lilli to fetch another basket so she can take some strawberries to the palace.

The two wander over to the mills where Lilli's dad sits over a juicer. He looks just like she remembered: brown shaggy hair and round glasses that make him look like a scientist. He's still in his wheelchair.

Her mom clears her throat and the moment her dad turns around, his face breaks into a smile brighter that the light from a thousand suns. He pushes his wheelchair over at lightning speed to see his daughter after so long.

"You've grown up so much. You look just like your mother." He looks as if he might shed a tear at any moment. Lilli's mom shows him the basket of strawberries and they move towards the juicer to prepare their famous strawberry juice: something their family is known for.

It feels like time has flown by in matter of seconds as the sun starts to sink into the late hours of afternoon and Lilli's mom suggests that she head back to the palace.
"We promise to visit as often as possible. Stay safe and be a your best behavior." Lilli's father says to her. She's kneeling down so that she is a eye level with her dad, who kisses her forehead before letting her mother escort her to the carriage.

Her mother holds out the extra basket of strawberries and a few flasks of the juice they made.
"Don't forget to thank each and every one of them, okay? Let us know if there's anything you need. If you want, you can even bring everyone else over next time and we can make a day out of it." Her mother gives her a reassuring smile.

Lilli doesn't want to leave. Her heart feels heavy at the sight of her mother's figure shrinking as the carriage drives further from the farm.

She smiles to herself. She can't believe that this is her family. She forgot how loving, caring and patient her mother is. And how hard working and calm her father is. She hates that she feels like she's lost those values. She feels like she's adapted too much to the outside world and vows to be the girl to make her parents proud.

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