Chapter fifty-five

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"Dad! I can't let her go off alone!" Sol shouts from across the table. His father has just told everyone about Sonii's idea and asked Hunter and Kai to accompany her along with 10 other nighthowlers. He specifically said that it's too dangerous for Sol to go.

"Sol, she is trained far more than you! So is Kai! You will get seriously injured if you go!" His father's voice echoes, shaking the dining room table. Everyone is silent and no one dares to look at the two. Sonii sits as far back in her chair as she can, hoping the chair could engulf her and rid her of this argument.

"I don't care! I'm not letting her go alone to meet the sister of the pest that put his hands on her!" Sol slams his fist on the table causing Lilli to flinch since she's sitting right next to him.

For the first time, Milo isn't concerned about Sonii. Usually he would be throwing a bigger tantrum than Sol, but this time, he feels reassured. There's something about the way the King said that Hunter and Kai will accompany her, that gave Milo a warm feeling in his bones reminding him that everything will be okay. And therefore, he remains completely silent during this heated encounter.

"Then, trust me when I say we're prepared. Sonii isn't going alone." The king tries to talk slowly as to calm down to a more gentle tone as he tries to reason with his son. It doesn't work as Sol's next move is getting up and storming out of the dining room and leaving everyone with wide eyes and shaken expressions.

Soon after, everyone vacates the room to enjoy the rest of the night. Kai takes this opportunity to fit in a few more hours of training at the armory.

He stands at the entrance of the armory. The light from the room illuminates his path. But, a dark, hefty shadow blocks his way.

"Sol? What are you doing here?" He asks as he is really confused. The last time Sol was here was the time he tried to learn to fight. He said himself he didn't want to see this place again.

"Kai, you're my best friend and I need you to do me a favor." Sol paces his words carefully, afraid to set Kai off.

"My answer is no. I know what you want me to do but I'm not helping you." Kai immediately retorts and pushes past Sol. He puts his water bottle at the corner of the room. Sol continues to follow him like a tail.

"Kai, she's my sister. I don't want to hear if something goes wrong and know that there was nothing I could do. You, out of all people, know what it's like to feel powerless." At this point Kai's hands fold into fists as his mind flashes through the memories of the night he lost Jules.

The feeling of powerlessness when it comes to a loved one, is something he wouldn't wish on his worst enemy. He releases his fists in a deep breath to calm his nerves. He breaths carefully, as if each breath it another word spoken in his head, contemplating Sol's idea.

"Fine!" His sighs quickly under his breath. He can't see Sol's face but he knows he's overwhelmed with happiness.

"Wear you helmet and don't take it off so that no one realizes it's you. And for gods sake, if you die, I'm going to kill you." Kai speaks quickly, forgetting all logic. He knows that this is a big risk and that there would be tremendous consequences if something has to go wrong.

He understands Sol's problem. He wants his friend to feel reassured. The only thing that scares Kai is that if someone has to go wrong, Sonii is going to be hit the hardest. And he doesn't want his 'baby' sister to experience anymore pain.

Shoutout to my amazing readers!! Love you all!! Thank you for reading so far. Don't forget to vote and comment 💜 and if you know anyone interested in this sort of book, please share💕💕

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