Chapter thirty

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She's the princess who walks like an angel.
He's the prince that walks alongside the devil.
Together they will either unleash the powers of heaven or hell.

This is the first impression the Queen gets when she looks at her children for the first time. Even without the elaborate clothing and fancy headwear, she can still see that these two are born leaders.

She sits on a bench at the edge of her personal koi pond and contemplates whether or not she made the right decision in the past. Whether it was for the best that she sent her kids away.

The sound of a person clearing their throat brings her back to reality. Her face lights up at the sight of her twins who look ready to rule an empire. Sonii gracefully glides across the grass with the train of her silver gown following like a tail.

Sol adorns a loose fit shirt that's darker that the expression he regularly wears. He watches his sister as if he expects something to reach out of the ground and grab her. He looks ready for battle.

The queen stands up and sticks both of her arms out, gesturing for the twins to walk on either side of her.

They walk through, what the queen calls a garden but Sonii calls it a whole new world. Flowers pulse as if they're breathing. Trees hang low and move along at your pace to provide you with shade wherever you go. The garden has its own beating heart that sustains its life.

"I can imagine you both have many questions." The Queen starts off, attempting to break the ice. Sonii is immersed in her surroundings and shakes her head hoping to remain in silence and experience nature's beauty.

Sol, on the other hand, has been preparing a list of questions in his head ever since he saw his room. He remembers how perfect it felt which left him feeling angry at his parents. He still can't understand why his parents only decide to put in the effort now. Many years went by, years where they've faced hardships and had to fight to save themselves.

"For starters, I hope your idea of royal duty doesn't keep us locked in here forever." He hits his mother with the hard questions. Maybe this will pull Sonii's attention but at this point she seems like a three year old walking through the toy isle at the shop.

"If you want some duty, I'll gladly organize something but the Sun and the Moon will never die out so there's no reason for you to prepare to rule a kingdom." She explains and immediately a wave of relief flushes over Sol.

"Then what's the point? Why bring us here now? Why take away Jane and James and put us through hell only for us to come here to save you?" Sol has anger in his voice but keeps his voice low, hoping to keep his sister out of it.

Before his mother can answer, Sonii notices an ill tree in the distance. It's branches swaying almost as if it might tip over any moment. She rushes towards it and runs her hand over the bark as she uses her magic to revive it.

"I don't control when you need to come back. It's been in your stars ever since you took your first breath. As for Jane and James, I didn't take them away, they had to leave." She whispers pleadingly. She doesn't want to have a bad relationship with her son. She keeps her voice low, protecting her daughter from the harsh words.

"They wouldn't leave us. They've been there when you weren't. They are our parents and parents don't abandon their children." Sol can feel his face getting hot and his vision getting blurry as he finally speaks what's on his mind.

"North Stars guide people. Once they help one they move onwards to help someone else. Jane and James are North Stars. It's their duty." She explains, placing her hand delicately on Sol's cheek.

"Will we ever see them again?" Sol's voice goes soft as if he's afraid of the answer.
"It's difficult to say. You might cross paths but I can't promise you anything." The Queen speaks in a low comforting tone that has the same effect as if she'd been running her hands through her son's hair to calm him down.

"And as for abandoning, we didn't abandon you. We had to hide you. The fact that we, The Sun and the moon, were raising twins of Scorpio and Virgo was dangerous enough. The evil that had already been unleashed had been sneaking up on us at every corner. Time was running out. It still is. We needed to make sure you were safe until you were ready." She looks deeply into her son's eyes and tear up. She hates that he feels this way. The sight of his tears feels like her heart is being torn to pieces.

"That doesn't mean that we should be ignored. Do you know what we went through? We are seven kids! You don't realize but in our world money rules and raising one kid is expensive enough. I've had to watch Jane and James work seven days a week! Toni started working before I even started high school. Your daughter was constantly thrown out of class because she never got any sleep since she started work straight after school and only finished early morning. So don't tell me that you've been watching out for us this entire time." Sol pulls her hand away and walks off, ignoring the pleas from his mother.

He's thankful that his sister has a tendency to being oblivious when distracted by nature. He's still furious.
He takes off in the direction of the only person who helps him control his fury.

My readers are literally my world!
I love you all so much. Thank you for all your support
*gives out hugs*
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