Chapter forty-eight

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Whispering willows line the path as Sol, Sonii, Toni and Milo journey deeper and deeper into the dark forest. Their path is hidden under tall grass and thick weeds and It's clear that no one has journeyed this far in decades. The heaven shrubbery clings to their feet trying to hold them back but the four force their way through. Their movements are slow but it's better than not moving at all.

Sol clutches a torn piece of cloth tightly in his hand as he followed the directions scribble across in the form of stars. His thankfulness is still as fresh as it was an hour ago, when his mother gave him the Galalei. He remembers his confusion as the worn out piece of cloth until he looked closer to see small lights flashing across the material.

"This is a Galalei. It will show you the current locations of shooting stars near you. Follow the golden star: that's the well." His mother's gentle voice echoes in his ear.

The looks like a clear night sky and Sol can't help but feel as if he's holding the entire galaxy between his fingertips. It's soft silky material runs through his fingers like water.

The group walk in silence.
Sonii is lost in her surroundings once more.
Milo looks attentively ahead at Sonii so that she doesn't happen to wander off. He pays attention to no one else.
Toni can't take his eyes off the ground, fearing he may encounter a snake at any moment.
Sol is obviously distracted by the map.

Soon enough, the ground eases its obstacles to reveal a wide open space free of weeds and thorns. The tall grass becomes replaced with bright green grass. The trees for a circle around a small piece of land.

It's as if the sun shines ten times brighter and the darkness is forever forgotten.
Like a place where promises are made and dreams come true.
This is the place.

The Well doesn't look like anything out of the ordinary. Its surroundings is the only way of telling that it truly is the Wishing Well. Chipped and cracked. The handle is rusty and old and the bucket seems dainty enough that the wind might split it into hundreds of pieces.

One look down the well leaves all four furrowing their brows: confusion or curiosity, it's hard to tell. There is nothing but darkness inside the well.

Soon enough, they arrive at a conclusion that the coin is somewhere in the darkness of the well. Then, all eyes are on Sonii since she's the only one small enough to fit in. The opening of the well is narrow and it seems as if she's the only one who would make it through with ease.

With a sigh, she climbs over and holds onto the rope with unease due to its fragile incapable appearance. Toni turns the handle and slowly lowers her deeper. The rope swings side to side and the sound of her clashing against the walls forces Toni to lower her much faster. He cannot tolerate the sound that she might be in pain. As soon as they the splash that Sonii's feet touches the bottom, they relax.

The splashing continues as she runs her fingers through the water searching for the coin. Her hands drag through streams of coils amidst the dark waters. Even if she has some sort of light, there's no way she'll find the coin. There are far too many!

The boys sit in silence as none have any ideas to help. All Sonii can do is run her hands through the water and hope for a miracle. But it sees that she's far from it and she begins to loose her adrenaline and starts moving slower and slower.

A few calls to check if she's okay is all the boys can do. They can barely see her at all but the sound of her feet splashing in the water comforts them. That is until the splashing stops, and Sonii releases a sound that sounds like the beginning of a scream. The scary part is that it doesn't sound like she has the chance to scream and is caught off guard, then the Well goes silent...

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