Chapter forty-one

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Toni feels vengeful. He is angry. He feels as if all that had been gentle and kind in his body has been painted over with rage. It's not the first time he's personalities have switched but it's becoming more frequent without the pills and more difficult to control. He feels as if he's locked in a cage and can only watch as destruction occurs.

This sparked the moment he saw Sol get beaten up and the instructor doing nothing to stop it. Toni can almost see every bruise when he closes his eyes. He stands over the table and slices his freshly bakes carrot cake. He made this to cheer Sol and June up since he knows that they're finding it the most difficult being here and that they both love carrot cake.

Toni places the cake on a glass plate so that everyone notices it's there, then notices a strange man dressed in black, enter the kitchen. One glance and he knows it's the instructor. Hunter.

"Don't think you're getting anything nice from this kitchen." His voice becomes low and demanding, almost scary compared to his normal self. The man turns around surprised by the sudden conversation and Toni responds with a threatening glare.

"Sorry man, I'm sure you're mistaken." Hunter tries to calm the situation. He is completely confused about Toni's attitude.
"I know you're the one letting Sol get beaten blue so do your self a favor and be a coach for once instead of a dog fight promoter." Toni spits as he moves towards Hunter. He is the same height but only has lean muscles compared to Hunter's fully sculpted body.

"Hold on, that's not my call. The boys need to learn. I can't stop a training session just like that." Hunter tries to avoid a fight and keeps a calm tone.
"You clearly know that Kai can fight and Sol can't. Next time, I don't want to see either with bruises because of you." Toni responds and pushes past Hunter. He carries a plate of cake for Milo which Hunter finds incredibly difficult to resist.

Hunter is too surprised to say anything. No one has ever spoken to him with such anger and disrespect. He thinks that Toni is either really brave or a complete idiot.

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