Chapter sixty-one

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He misses her by a split second.
His entire world is blurry when he opens his eyes and tries to adjust to the light. He sees a dark figure slump backwards and immediately gets a sick feeling at the bottom of his stomach.

There's a spot of yellow edging it's way into his vision and he knows all to well what it is and who it belongs to. Sonii has a habit of only using yellow hair ties, this time he wishes she didn't because then he wouldn't know it's her.

He sees his sister collapse right in front of his eyes. He faces a battle against his body as he can't seem to move a muscle even though he pushes every ounce of strength he has to run towards her.

His body feels frozen and the feeling of numbness speeds his heartbeat in fear of the uncontrollable. He doesn't know what to do. He feels completely lost and helpless, like an animal waiting to meet its end.

The room becomes filled with hushed tones and continues ramblings. June sits beside Sonii fumbling frantically for her heartbeat. She eventually eases into a slouch once she releases a sigh of relief after feeling the faint movement on Sonii's neck.

It's as if Sol has become completely invisible. Lilli is completely focused on the slow rise and fall of Sonii's chest and June keeps Sonii's hand firmly in hers. As predicted, the Queen endures her slumber as everyone waits the kings entrance as it is to happen any moment.

Sonii's face looks peaceful as if she's a child playing in the playground of her mind. Her expression seems to calm those around her. Sonii lays with her newly exposed wings encompassing her like a barrier: of protection or isolation, no one can tell.

She still wears her gown from the battle at Jupiter's. The grey gown becomes stiff with the dried blood and the color becomes rusty. And yet, she manages to look graceful.

Sol can finally feel his muscles start to thaw as he flinches his fingers. The feeling of control over his own body flows throughout his body as his muscles reawaken.

He bolts upright but immediately slumps down onto his knees as if his legs weren't ready to challenge his weight. Lilli immediately rushes to his side to see to him.

She slides his arm over her shoulder so that he can balance off her and walk properly. The clear sight of his sister's wings makes him want to run out of the room and hide in a hidden hole. He doesn't understand why this happened to her. Why this specific reality had crossed paths with his sister.

The light reflects brightly off of her shiny metal wings and blinds Sol as he angles himself to walk out. The moment of light brings back the memory of his pain which he endured whilst he was in the "in between"

The ineffable feeling of helplessness when he saw the dark eyes jolting towards helpless children. He was one of the children. He remembers its voice, it reminded him of a low growl of an animal waiting to attack its prey.

He remembers hiding in a dark passage. Trying to conceal his tiny body from the slender figure chasing after him in a sick version of hide and seek.

He remembers its hands reaching out towards him, grabbing him and pulling him towards hell.
He could feel the pain as his body scratched against the rough floors, burning scars into his skin to serve as a constant reminder.
It's eyes faced him and he saw the empty black pupils that portrayed the inner demon of this man. The man he knew very well but couldn't recognize in that moment.

In a fit of pain, his wondering eyes caught sight of a mirror behind the figure. He could see what was happening to him. He could see that it wasn't him but someone else.

The eyes he looked through wasn't his.
The ears he used to hear weren't his.
The body wasn't his.
It belonged to the little boy staring back at him in the mirror. The boy fighting for survival. The boy with striking similarities to Sol's best friend...Kai?

The loud knock on the door brings Sol back into the current moment in time, saving him from the pain of the memory. And yet fear still sprints through his body as the knock is followed by a voice.

A voice that seemed to remind him of all the pain in the world. A voice that sounded as if it was waiting in the shadows waiting to hunt him down.

The worst moment arrives when the body of the voice appears.
The king?

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