Chapter ten

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And now for the girl that lives in her own little bubble...
Even though she's the one of the oldest therefore obviously taking on the role of the big sister, she's usually lost in her own thoughts and smothered with paint.

She doesn't share that fire that Sonii and June share. She's always been the most gentle out of the girls. More of the "go with the flow" kind.

This time, that bubble has been burst as she scatters from corner to corner of the room.
This time it's not red paint but actual blood dripping down her forearm.

A jaguar, abnormally large pounces after her. She can't remember how they came to meet, only that the second she opened her eyes, she had to be alert.

She cowers against the wall. Even though she's well aware that her powers work in this environment, she refuses to use it out of fear of hurting the animal.

She won't fight back. She has a tendency to see the best in everything and everyone, including those attacking her.

The jaguars stops a few feet in front of her and stares. Almost as if it pacing out its next attack. It's eyes focused and it's paws are ready to launch itself forward. However, in the split second before takeoff, it stops itself at the sight of Lilli standing up straight and limping towards it.

Lilli is going to apply her rule of taking the high road to this and hopes to god that she doesn't get eaten.

She moved slowing forward. She keeps eye contact with the animal as she gets closer. Once she's close enough that she can see the individual strands of fur, she lowers herself down into a kneeling position.

This is the only time she loses eye contact with the animal. She hangs her head low, her eyes facing the floor.
The only thoughts running through her mind are those of breathing to keep herself calm.

She squeezes her eyes shut once she feels the breath of the jaguar on her cheek. She continues breathing so that her nerves don't get the best of her.

The she hears it. The sound of the animal crouching in front of her, mimicking her stance. She smiles slightly.

She moves her hand over to pat the animals coat but finds her hand swiping through thin air.
The jaguar has disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared and she feels as if she is done.
For now.

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