Chapter forty-four

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Sonii covers herself with heavy blankets as she sits in the center of her bed, with Lilli and June on either side. The moment Lilli helped her up, the girls bolted to a safe sanctuary which, in this case, is Sonii's room. The first thing Sonii did was change into shorts while Lilli loosened her hair from the tight ponytail and June went scavenging for left over dessert. Thankfully she found a whole chocolate cake which is what the girls are currently munching.

Pajamas, chocolate cake and deep conversations...
Things that have defined their lives together. They've been lacking sisterly bonding time ever since they got here and after the night's events, none of them are willing to stay alone. It's not like they're afraid, it's more like they need each other as a reminder that they're strong. They are each other's charm of reassurance.

Sonii finally tells the girls about Milo. Lilli tries to act surprised and June blatantly says that she always knew it would happen. Lilli shares her secret mission to revive the jaguar which is currently sleeping thanks to a slumber brew she prepared because she knew tonight would be chaotic. June shares news about her new friend, Jules and both the girls are ecstatic that June finally got out of her shell.

"I want to go home!" Sonii admits after a few moments of silence. She drops her fork and moves to the opposite side of the cake so that she faces Lilli and June.
"I know, me too." June says softly as she plays around with the fork in the cake. She hates to admit it but she really misses home. She misses it the way a child misses home during long summers at camp.
Lilli notices the mood becoming somber so she tries the best to hide the fact that she's equally as homesick. She won't show them her true feelings because right now, she sees herself as the rock keeping the other two sane.

"Well then, why don't we just do what we need to do so we can leave." She drops her fork and takes command. This motion catches the attention of the other two, who look at her with big eyes and wait for her to continue.
"Aldwin said that we're special. He said that there's something we need to do. We need the charms from the late zodiacs to perform the spell, that much I know. So what's stopping us? The sooner we find the charms, the sooner we leave." She finally says and she pushes the blankets off her as she moves to the edge of the bed. Sonii and June only stare at her with mouths full of cake.

"The party ended. The palace is dead. So there's nothing stopping us from going to the palace archives to find something to help us." She slips on her converse sneakers which look odd paired with her floral pajamas but she doesn't care. She walks confidently towards the door and yanks it open. Something gives her a fright and she hops back then starts laughing.

"I'm in" Toni walks through the door. How long he's been there remains a mystery, all they know is that the tea in his tray has completely cooled down.

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