Chapter sixty

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The white brightness which Sonii saw when she first opened her eyes now stand in contrast to the eeri darkness she stumbles through. She trails Hecate like a shadow, using the faint glow of she body to illuminate her path.

Once they're encompassed by the darkness and there is nothing to steal Sonii's thoughts, Hecate starts to speak.
"I would like to know, what is your opinion about what you have learned, my child?" Her voice once left Sonii uneasy but now represents her only source of comfort while facing the shadows.

"I...I thought it was interesting. Um...I really don't have much to say." Sonii's voice is shaky.
She's not scared, she feels as if she's lost in the maze of confusion and blinded by the thoughts of an information overload. Two things that are rewiring her mind, leaving her unable to think clearly.

"Might I be some help if I lay out all the information instead of letting you solve it yourself?" Her voice is smooth as if she is soothing a colic child. The syllables wash over Sonii  like warm honey and she feels bundled up in the blanket of reassurance. And yet, her only response is that of a quick sound indicating for Hecate to speak.

"You were one of the four competing for the place of the furies or apprentice. Well...technically, you are both. Since the death of Jules, one of you have been bound for the fate of the apprentice and fury. The moment I saw you, I knew you were the one. It was that exact moment where you traded the fate of an ordinary fury for the fate of a special one like your current self." Hecate sounds proud as she speaks. She reminds Sonii of Jane whenever she or her other siblings would accomplish something.

"And what exactly does that mean?" Sonii interrupts her with a sudden question. She has many on the top of her tongue, ready to spit out but she must wait if she wants her questions to be useful.

"You've sprouted the wings of the apprentice, officially declaring your win. Now, you will be trained by me. Unlike most, you will spend a profound amount of time with Lilli and June as Jules is no longer living." Hecate grows quiet for a moment then realizes that she hasn't fully answered a Sonii's question.

"The point is: you're here to complete the ritual of the zodiacs, right? But, you, just like everyone else, are bound to have a story after that. Sure, the mission ends there but your life is only beginning. This is your life...okay, that sounds extremely set in stone.
I'm not chaining you to anything, you're still free to be yourself and go wherever you please. Think of it as school, you learn for half a day then go out. As long as you're learning something, I'm happy."

At this point, Hecate has already passed through the motherly advice phase and is currently stationed at the Sisterly advice phase. She speaks calmly and truthfully. Her tones makes her seem as if she's the person to run through when you hit a panic; like she's the person to shield you from the rest of the words.

Although, the thought of her new guardian seems incredible, Sonii can't help but feel a sort of yearning towards June and Lilli, who have been her 'big sisters' for as long as she can remember.

These thoughts then becomes a roadmap to her brother and she feels the impulse to ask. The last she remembers is watching his chest rise and fall once again but she's unsure if she had been dreaming at that point.

"What..what about my brother?" She speaks with fear in her voice. She's trying to seem optimistic but can't help but expect bad news.
"He's alive. You brought him back after all, didn't you?" Hecate answers as if this type of thing happens everyday. Sonii releases a loud sigh of relief once she hears this.

"It's your job to keep him breathing though. When he was still in the space in between the living and the dead, he saw some things and I have no doubt it's haunting his every move." Hecate's voice drops to a low, warning tone. For the first time, she sounds worried. It's as if she knows about Sol's habit of dwelling on certain details and what it means for his mentality.

"What kinds of things?" Sonii's voice croaks from the fear creeping out of her stomach. Her mind races off to her most eerie thoughts, trying to think about what he could've witnessed.

The tunnel seems to get brighter as they walk onwards. A bright orb is within walking distance. The sight of it pierces Sonii's eyes since she has been walking through complete darkness of the past few minutes. Hecate seems to be used to it as it doesn't bother her.

"This is your last stop, my child. I will be in touch when you have completed your ritual." Hecate says with a motherly smile that makes her look as if she's sending her daughter off to college.

A moment before Sonii can step through the orb, Hecate abruptly stops her.
"I forgot to tell you. You need to be careful from now on. You're more powerful but you're not invincible. Your soul now has a leash attached, making you responsible for two." Hecate speaks quickly and with a warning tone. Her expression is worried as she watches Sonii with big eyes.

The words remain glued in Sonii's head.
Responsible for two?
Does she mean that her lifeline is connected to someone else?
If yes, then who?
Sol is the one she saved when she claimed her title as apprentice.
Could it be him?
Or is it Milo?

Ooooh I hope you enjoyed that chapter 😊
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Thank you for reading, it really means a lot to me because this is my only chance to share my work to a world audience. I really want to become a writer so any feedback will be very much appreciated.
Love you so much💜💜

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