Chapter twenty-two

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The room is hidden in darkness and overwhelmed with the deathly silence of the night. Pillows and sleeping bags lie across the floors which reminds Sol of the good old days at summer camp. Everyone is sound asleep. Except for him.

He sits alone in the passageway. The faint glimmer of light is due to the flames lit in the palm of his hand which allow him to see the words on the pages. He can't help but turn the pages looking for information. The past few experiences have left his brain distraught and reading is the only cure in his case.

The gate key is the way home.
The signs have a path dictated by the carvings in the ground of 45.5127°4.4905°
Find the missing pieces to complete the key to open your door.
May the elements guide you...

"What's that?" June's voice startles Sol as she emerges from the silence making her voice sound ten times louder.
Sol recollects himself then answers, "Skimming through those books Aldwin gave us."

June sits down beside him, crosses her legs and reads over the page he's just been on. Her fingers move over the page the the speed which she reads.

"That's strange." She murmurs to herself when her hand lands on the numbers and moves no further.
"That's us! I mean, that's right here. Those are our coordinates." She tries to whisper so that she doesn't disturb the others but can't help but let her voice get louder when she finds new information.

"Are you sure?" Sol doesn't want to inspire hope that the puzzle is getting placed together, only to have it crushed by misinterpretation.
"100%. I did a project a few years back and I needed to find the coordinates of where we live." She sounds like an announcer but refuses to look like one as she keeps her eyes glued to the pages as she speaks.

Once she finishes talking, it's almost as if something clicks in Sol's head and he sees everything more clearly. He stands up abruptly and marches to the room. It's nearly five which means that the sun is starting to rise so he yanks the massive curtains open. Angry sounds respond to this action as everyone starts to open their eyes.

Sol is in a rush and almost drags everyone off the carpet that lays on the rooms floor. Finally there's enough light in the room to reveal things that went unnoticed in the dark. Things like the symbols of the four elements on the walls. Things like the uneven floor.

Once everyone is off, Sol proceeds to pull back the heavy carpet with the aid of June. Underneath is a dark stone floor with carvings that seem as old as time itself.

Immediately everyone becomes alert as that study the carvings.
"Reminds me of a map." Milo sounds irritated but interested at the same time.
Sol walks towards the center and traces his finger over the edgings. There are four corners and each corner is occupied with the symbols of three star signs.

"Actually I think he's right. Sol, this is the map to completing the key." June reaches a realization and sounds hopeful.
"We need to start deciphering what everything means and where to find these keys. First things first, I'm sure you discovered what sign you represent, it's time to speak up." Sol commands. He sounds like a general preparing for war.

"I'm Scorpio." Sol starts off. He then kneels down at the center and becomes completely immersed in the symbols.
"Virgo" Sonii carries on.
Soon everyone follows. June represents Sagittarius, Milo is libra, Toni is Gemini, Lilli is Pisces and Kai is Taurus.

"Let's make this easier, if you see your sign, stand in the corner where it is." Sonii takes over since her brother is occupied in the center.

Sonii and Milo stand at one corner. They were supposed to be with Cancer but unfortunately Cancer no longer reincarnates. June and Toni stand on the opposite end while Lilli and Kai stand across from them. Sol is lonely since he's the only sign that's still here from the last corner.

Everyone stares at the carvings beneath them. It's so different from everyone else but so familiar to themselves.
Almost as if it were made especially for them.

Pandora's BoxOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora