Chapter thirty-seven

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Milo admires his girlfriend as she tugs at her hair attempting to pull it into a bun but failing. Her squeals of annoyance add even more humor to the situation.

He can't take his eyes off her. Her body seems to be a magnet for his eyes and nothing can tear them away. His eyes travel down her body, wishing his hands could do the same...

He woke up to the sun rising outside of his window and slowly made his way to the place kitchen which seemed to be the only place alive with joy. He wasn't the last one up because Sol and Kai were still missing but he couldn't help but feel like he was missing out. Toni's first chef attempt turned out delicious and soon after everyone scattered from the kitchen towards their daily activities. Milo thought that was the perfect excuse to get some alone time with Sonii.

Now, they are in Sonii's room. Milo lounges across the bed while Sonii struggles in front of the mirror. Eventually she gets her messy bun and walk slowly towards Milo. She stands over him for a moment before he presses his hands on her hips and pulls her closer. She smiles and doesn't resist.

Before they can get too intimate, a loud bang breaks them apart leaving them gasping for air due to the sudden fright. Sonii's mom marches in followed by numerous servants, each carrying numerous dresses into the room.

Her mother looks from Sonii to Milo then smiles, trying to apologize for her intrusion. Milo cheeks are burning from embarrassment and he excuses himself from any further interaction, avoiding eye contact at all times.

Sonii moves back and forth from her tip toes to her heels, a maneuver she always resorts to in awkward moments. She widens her eyes towards her mother, expecting an explanation.

Once the soft click of the door closing echoes her mother starts talking.
"Since it's the masked ball tonight and I'm not going to be there, I thought it would be perfect if I were to help you pick a dress. I've missed all these moments so I really want to make up for it." Her mother clasps Sonii's hands in hers and smiles deeply, pleading to Sonii's soul to give her the opportunity.

With a nod from Sonii, she dismisses everyone from the room so that she and her daughter can have some privacy.

After a few awkward moments, they finally reach the mother-daughter stage. Conversations seem to flow freely and the mood changes completely, to something casual.

They talk for real this time. Sonii she keeps away from the topic about the nighthowlers so that she can connect with her mother instead of interrogate her. They talk about life at the palace, about life in France, Sonii's relationship...everything seems to fall into place in the puzzle of parenthood.

Fifty dresses later and Sonii stares at herself in the mirror, stunned by her gown.
Crystals decorate the neckline like glitter dusted onto the person.
Bodice is tightly fit and shows off her beautiful figure.
Bottom flows outwards like a shy version of a princess ball gown.
Every detail is impeccable and it's like it has been waiting for Sonii to wear.

Her mother admires Sonii. She smiles when she sees how happy her daughter is. But that smile soon turns to terror when her eyes find the back of the dress. It's backless style exposes two slash marks across Sonii's back.

Horror and fear flood her eyes and she can no longer think of her daughter. She starts breathing heavily, eventually gaining Sonii's attention. Without further words, she rushes out the room, leaving a trail of questions behind her.

Her mother shuts the door and leans back onto it, closing her eyes and lets her mind calm itself down.
It can't be!
How did her daughter get those marks?
Why was Sonii chosen?

Her fear turns to rage as she commands her attendants to call on the goddess of magic herself.

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