Chapter fifty-one

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Lilli sits on the old floor of the stable house. The dry start scattered over pokes into her thighs. She runs her palm down the Jaguars soft back, leaving it purring in content.

The animal came into the stable house beaten and broken. Thanks to the gentleness and loving attitude of Lilli, the animal is completely revived and healthy to go out on its own.

But with every joy, there's a lingering sadness and for Lilli, that is the thought of letting the jaguar go. The animal has become her companion for the past few weeks. Becoming her sole confidant as she had been left alone while everyone faced their own demons.

Suddenly, the jaguars head jerks upwards as it hears the loud sound that echoes as Kai pushes open the stable doors. He walks in adamant for a conversation but only rolls his eye at the image of Lilli nursing the animal.

The jaguar stands up straight and gazed at Kai threateningly. It has already developed a protective instinct towards Lilli and doesn't like the judging look Kai puts forward.

Kai returns the threatening glare and without any further words, reaches deep into his pocket and pulls out a rumpled piece of paper, which he hands over  to Lilli. The paper is stained in coffee courtesy of Toni. Lilli slowly grabs the paper and starts reading it slowly, as if it might be bad news.

Beautiful and delicate
Fit for royal blood
With an ulterior motive
To decider the symbols aiding your hunt through the riddles.

"This is the next clue. Since everyone has something on their plate, do you want to come with me to find the object?" Kai asks her pleadingly. He is aching to leave and she can see it. She would relate if it wasn't for her friendship with the jaguar. Nonetheless, she soon agrees and slowly moves away from the Jaguars's comfort and towards the palace.

Kai leads her to the library where the painting hangs on the wall near the entrance. At first glimpse, Lilli is stolen with the beauty of the painting. The graceful hanging branches with trees dancing in the wind and surrounded with a sort of Magic none can describe. It's truly an sight one will dream about for years.

"Maybe we see what's behind it?" Lilli suggests since she sees no way for the riddle to connect to the artwork.
Kai pulls the painting slightly away from the wall then sticks his head behind to try and see the back. He finds nothing and turns back around with a hopeless sigh.

Lilli won't admit defeat so soon so she starts tracing the edge of the frame. At one point, she isn't focusing on the trail and her finger moves towards the painting. Even a touch so gentle moves right through the canvas.

However, it's not ripped since her hand doesn't hit the wall. She moves her hand further and eventually manages to stick her head through. Kai stares in amazement as Lilli walks into the piece of fine artwork.

As soon as her whole body is engulfed, Kai follows. The two soon find themselves standing before the stunning imagery depicted in the painting. But now, it's a thousand times more beautiful.

It feels as if you could close your eyes and the wind would carry you. The flowers sway to the silent music and the sweet smell of fresh fruits lure the two further away from the entrance.

They walk onwards, following the smell as if they were police dogs tracking their suspects. The scent eventually reveals to have come from a small village surrounded by luscious green trees.

The streets are colorfully decorated indicating that it's some sort of festival. Everything looks incredibly beautiful that one wouldn't know where to look first. Everything shines like diamonds in the sunlight.

A closer look and one would see that the people float inches above the ground due to their glittering wings. Kai stares at the jaw dropping scenery.

"Fairies." Lilli whispers, almost proud but scared at the same time. She's been obsessed with the beauty of fairies ever since she found that they were real.

A small man, about half Lilli's height, approaches them. He wears a joyful face and hold Lilli's hand leading her towards the center of the festival. He tries to hold Kai's but Kai immediately pulls away and moves closer to Lilli as if she's a barrier and he is repulsed.

Lilli laughs because she thinks this is cute then she asks in a sweet voice to mimic that of passing fairies, "where are we going?"
"To the tea party." The small one says with a toothy grin and a hop in his step.

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