Chapter forty-two

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The night is buzzing with the happy laughter echoing from the great hall. The whimsical orchestra music combined with the chatters of newfound conversations result in an atmosphere like no other.

Milo, Kai and Sol wait at the bottom of the grand staircase. Toni is nowhere in sight, the last time Milo saw him was after he had brought the carrot cake to his room. That was over three hours ago.

"Well, don't you all look festive." A deep, jolly voice emerges in the background. It belongs to Sol's father, who carries three finely detailed masks which he hands to each of the guys.

They all smile as they thank him but it's obvious that their thoughts are anywhere but at the party.
Kai couldn't forget his anger towards Lilli because she put her life in danger without a second thought.
Sol can only hear Hunter telling him that he will no doubt get beaten in battle.
Milo can't take his thoughts away from Sonii. He can't wait to see her grace the crowd with her presence.

The girls walk down the stairs, arms interlinked, with big smiles at the boys waiting for them. Even though they wear the masks, they are still easily recognizable.

June shines like the night sky in her sleek silver dress. Her dyed hair is folded into a bun, disguising it's color. Her mask fits her face perfectly. It's simple but she still stands out like a star in the dark lonely night sky.

Lilli could be a Disney princess if she wanted to. Her lilac dress is made out of the finest material to give it full volume. She holds her mask to cover her face but nothing could hide the happiness she felt when she saw Kai waiting for her. She was initially frightened that he was too angry to even look at her.

And Sonii. In Milo's eyes, she is the sun. She glows in a golden dress that fits tightly until her waist and slightly flows outwards. The dress isn't extravagant, it won't steal anyone's attention straight away but the one wearing it, will leave the world speechless.

They take their partners hands and stride towards the dance floor. The room is full of people important and none of them can afford to let their real manners show.

For a few moments, the twins' dad steals them to introduce them to a number of people around the room while the rest mingle at the food table. The twins return back when it's time to dance and Sonii and Milo are the first to start.

The dance is graceful and intimate. His hands slide around her waist while she is supposed to sling her hand across his neck but instead tangles them in his hair. The dance requires the switching of partners multiple times.

At one point Sonii finds herself twirling into the arms of a handsome blond in the middle of the dance floor. His smile is charming and his hands lay gently on her waist at first. After a few moments, his grip tightens and his hands move slowly lower. Sonii starts to feel extremely uncomfortable but has to comply because she can't afford to cause such a scene in front of her dad. Thankfully, she has to switch partners once more and lands up in the comforting arms of Kai.

The bow signals the end of the dance and Sonii moves towards the snack table to gaze at all the chocolate treats decorated too beautifully to be eaten. A hand moves around her waist and she laughs it off assuming it's Milo until she sees his face and realizes that it's the creep from the dance.

"Can you get off me. Please." Sonii moves to pull his hands off her waist.
"But I don't want to." The creep whines mockingly, his grip tightening and she has to squirm to try and get him off. If it wasn't for the shock that she feels, she would've gotten out of this in an instant. The guy is like a giant compared to her tiny frame so her squirming is proved useless. Her long gown restrains any further motion.

"Off. Now." Kai says from the back. The creep turns his full body to face Kai, turning Sonii with him. She looks fearful and continues to squirm hit the guys grip is too tight.

Kai moves forward so they meet each other at eye level and pushes outward a threatening look. The creep tries to pull Sonii away from this confrontation and is met with a packing punch from Kai. The creep tosses Sonii to the side and she falls to the ground due to the weight of her dress.

Milo sees her fall and immediately rushes over to the scene. Kai rushes to help Sonii up but the creep lunges towards Kai and Milo can't stop his fist from throwing strong punches. Someone manages to tackle Milo from behind after he grips the Creeps collar which results in Sol join the fight. Soon the entire hall is involved in a fight, including Toni who seems to pop up out of no where.

No matter who hits him, Milo won't stop hitting the creep. He didn't notice what the creep did to Sonii but he hits because he could feel her fear. It's as if something had been burning into his skin telling him to look up. Something like a cuff. The cuff from the Aura of Magic.

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