Chapter twenty-nine

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The beautiful women leads everyone to the dining room after insisting that they share a meal together. After stepping foot into that room it is clear that no one wants to leave. The smell of the delicacies the women prepares lures everyone to their seats and makes it difficult to think of anything else. None of them can remember the last time they've had a proper meal - they've been living off of gas station snacks because they've always been in a rush.

Everyone digs into their food and the women watches each and everyone as if she birthed them herself. Every word she speaks radiates the energy of a loving mother.
"I still remember when you all used to run through these halls as children. I can't believe you've grown up so much." Her voice sounds like a sound you would reminisce in because it holds childhood sentimental value.

"I was thinking, after we eat if the rest of you would like to visit your parents?" She smiles at everyone hoping for an answer.

"I know how happy I am to see my kids, I can only imagine how happy your parents might be. Your old rooms at the palace are still open to you if you wish to stay here afterwards." She adds. She sounds like she cares more about what we want then anything else. Everyone is too busy munching to say anything and only respond with a smile from full mouths.

Sonii is the first to finish up. She slouches back to show she's eaten more than enough and needs to take a break. She scans the area and instead of admiring the enchanting decor, all she can think of is how long this place might be taking to clean.

"I have to ask, how did you know we were going to come here?" Sol manages to say in between stuffing his face with steak. He studies his mothers expression.

Even though she seems so loving, he cannot redirect the anger he feels towards her. He feels the blood in his veins boil every time he sees another extravagant accessory and thinks back to how much his family suffered to make a living in France.

"You do realize that I'm the Sun. I can see everything during the day. That's how I've been able to watch you all grow up." She answers whimsically.
There's no room for arguing but Sonii still manages to find a gap in her mother's words, "But what happens at night?" She leans forward only to grasp her glass of sweet liquid.

"Then your father takes over. Sweetie, didn't Aldwin explain all of this?" At this moment everyone looks up waiting for an answer. Aldwin never really spoke about this so their silence gestures for the women to continue.

"The sun remains awake during the day while the moon remains awake during the night. We're the soul of these celestial bodies so while we're not in the sky, our bodies have adapted to its nature and we can harness its power." She explains softly and slowly and for a moment it reminds Milo of when Jane used to stay up until midnight to help him understand his class work.

Soon everyone starts slumping backwards, losing all their wills to remain in good posture in the presence of a queen. And one by one they lead off, escorted by the guards towards their carriages which will take them to their parents.

Once everyone is gone, the women stands up and says, "let's get you two dressed proper then we can continue to the garden for some mother-child boding time."

Sonii and Sol feel like they are trapped in a maze as they walk alongside two people who are in charge of aiding them. They are all smiles and laughs but seem rather fearful to speak to them.

The palace is a maze full of places to hide. It feels like you could go missing and no one will even realize. Their rooms are on opposite sides of a long hall and are ushered in. Sol watches until his sister is behind her room doors before retreating to his own.

Sonii cannot help but let a little squeal escape when she sees how beautifully her room is decorated. Flowers hang from the high walls. She can see the stars flickering on the room even though it's still day. The princess bed she always dreamed about as a child stands in the center.

She can't help herself as she runs and tumbles onto the bed in excitement. It's as if her mother took a piece of her soul and materialized it into this bedroom.
It's like her fairytale has finally come true.

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