Chapter four

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"What the hell is that?" Sonii whispers into Sol's ear, careful not to set the creature off to attack.
"I have no idea." Sol is at a loss for words as he studies the mysterious creature in front of him. Sonii steps out from behind her brother and moves toward the creature despite the warning look from her brother.

The creature resembles that of a wolf, except for the odd glowing symbol on its forehead and the fact that it seems more of a spirit due to its transparency. Within a matter of moments, two more appear at the entrance. The first one's ears stand up as if listening out for something. It's scarred face emphasizes its ruthlessness which it further exhibits as it lunges towards Sonii. Sol pulls her aside and the creature displays its fangs in response to missing.

"Okay, I'm done playing nice." Sonii huffs. Thorny vines grow out from her skin and she swings it like a whip. Lucky for her, she does hit her target. Unfortunately, it passes through the wolf with no effect whatsoever.
"You've got to be kidding me!" She cries out and looks at her brother who looks like he realizes the same thing as his ice shards show no effect on the wolves.

Angered, the wolf launches itself towards Sonii and she manages to avoid a full blow but she can feel the sting in her arm as its claws pull at her skin.
"It looks like we have our backs against the wall. Literally!" She says, the creatures cornering them.

It's in that moment that Sol has a lightbulb moment.
"Sonii, I need you to do me a favor and just trust me okay?" He speaks slowly and softly. Sonii nods and within a few seconds he grabs her arm and launches them both towards the window. It shatters and they find themselves outside.

As soon as they get onto their feet, they sprint into the forest. The moment they see the slightest hint of light from the fire they start screaming like madmen. Eventually everyone gets the memo and start bolting even if they don't know what they're running from.

The seven are met with a few more creatures and resort to running in circles as the only option to keep their limbs attached. Then June, overwhelmed with exhaustion, climbs a tree for a moment to breathe. The wolf waits at the bottom and attempts to jump but can't reach. They've found their advantage.

Everyone makes their way towards the top of a tree and wait in complete silence. The creatures still wait below. Sonii uses her magic to cause the rustling of leaves at a nearby tree. The wolves see this as movement and follow the sound. Eventually everyone does this as a form of keeping them distracted. Luckily they didn't need to do this for too long because when the sunlight made its way through the trees, the creatures seemingly disappeared.
No noise.
No trace.

Once realizing it's safe, they jump down one by one.
"Anyone care to explain?" June asks in a demanding manner. She is the first to ask. She looks to everyone.
"No clue. That's why I'm going back to see if there's anything in the house to help." Sol says and marches in the direction of the house. Everyone else follows but with lesser determination.

"Oh god! Sonii we need to get you to the house quickly." Kai exclaims as he sees the claw marks on her arm and moves closer to have a better look. Lilli pulls Sonii closer with a worried look. All Sonii's weight shifts onto Lilli indicating that something is wrong. Her mind drowns out the sound from her warped vision.

The house is just as they left it. Except for the pieces of shattered glass which has disappeared from last night. Once they're all in the house, everyone is on their own mission.
Sol runs towards the passageway but all that's there is a wall.
Kai and Lilli rush towards the greenhouse to get some medicinal herbs for Sonii who is slumped on the couch due to vertigo.
Milo checks if there's anything out of the ordinary as he walks around the house's exterior.
June scatters towards Jane and James' room looking for any sign of them.
Toni rushes towards the bookshelves where we keep our knowledge of all magic, in search of something that will help us.

After the initial rush to find an answer, they realize that something is indeed wrong but running around frantically isn't going to help. Thus, the rest of the day is spent in the lounge, with everyone rummaging through books.

It's officially night once more, the eerie darkness covering every inch of the house. Everyone camps out in the lounge area. Nobody is willing to separate after the previous night's events.

"This isn't right! There's nothing!" Juniper admits as she throws her book across the table.
"This is the last book and we still have no clue. And Jane and James are still missing!"She drops her face into her hands, admitting defeat.

"Actually June, I wouldn't say that so quickly." Sonii says to the group, her back facing everyone as she points towards the passage which has once again appeared.

Sol is the first to get up, followed by June and soon everyone faces the passage.
"Well I guess if there's no information here..." Kai starts of but doesn't finish his sentence because he knows everyone is thinking the same thing.
"Now or never." Lilli adds before walking towards the opening.

Within a matter of moments, the group is enveloped by darkness and the follow the same path from Sonii's earlier experiences. No one uses their powers out of fear of attracting a monster possibly lurking in the dark. Eventually they reach the same room with the same object covered by the sheet. Even though it's dark, they still seem to look at each other, thinking the same thing.
They move forward in sync and pull at the cloth hoping for a different outcome this time...

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