Chapter thirty-one

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Kai steps into the carriage with neutral emotions. He knows he's going to see his dad again but he's not excited nor is he scared. He feels as if it's nothing special.

He doesn't remember much of his childhood at the palace. He was only seven when Jane and James brought him to their home in France. He was old enough to remember that he never had a mom.

He can't remember his dad's face, only his back. He remembers always seeing his dad leaving. Other than that, the rest of his childhood memories involve the other six.

Kai thinks that he's going to see his dad standing guard at a gate or something similar. He remembers his dad always wore his armor like it was his second skin. That is the only probable reason for the carriage driving further away from the palace.

However, Kai's heart sinks as he looks outside once the carriage pulls to a halt.
There's no special greeting.
No salute.
No dad.
Only a graveyard.

He steps out and can't peel his eyes away from the scene. The driver points in the distance to a nearby tree and Kai takes off towards it.

He finally reaches the tree where two black gravestones lays in its shade. One has his mothers name scribbled across. That he can vaguely remember. The other has his father's name is written alongside the title "noble general."
The year of his passing was three years ago.

Kai sinks to his knees in front of the stone and hangs his head low. He isn't going to cry, there's no reason for him to. He barely remembers the man. And yet he can't help but feel disappointed. He hoped to find someone who shared his blood.

"Dad, I don't know what to say. I've been hoping to see you one day and actually be able to recognize your face. I thought I would finally be able to talk to the man who was supposed to raise me. I'm sorry I'm late. But I'm not sorry that I don't have memories with you. You decided to leave even when I lived here and when I left, I don't think it was much of a big deal. I can still remember the day. The queen was a wreck. Lilli's mom wouldn't let go of her. Even June's stone cold parents shed a tear. But my father only looked at me. I didn't even get a hug. I wish I had something else to say but this is the only thing that's been reminding me of you all these years."

Kai speaks to the stone. He lets out all the emotions. The speech he's been planning ever since he left. Finally, that speech gets a voice. Unfortunately, it's recipient will never hear it.

He stands up and is immediately hit with a breeze which feels like ice on his face. He touches his cheeks only to wince at the tears he finds on his fingers. He didn't realize he started crying.

He stands in silence for a moment until a hand pulls him close into the comfort of a hug.
His best friend.
If it wasn't for Sonii, Kai would be certain that he's Sol's twin even if they didn't look the same.
It's as if Sol knew Kai needed someone right now. Just like he knew to be there every time Kai resorted to the bottle when his nightmares resurfaced.

He doesn't move and enjoys the feeling of being protected for once. He feels safe. But he can't ignore the gaping hole that seems to have formed in the place where his heart should be.

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