Chapter nineteen

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In the beginning of time...
There was a love story that looked as if it could withstand time itself.
A love stronger than any other emotion shared by human and god alike.
A love that was not meant to be.
Resulted in the separation of these star crossed lovers giving them the fate of becoming the Sun and the Moon.
Fortunately, there was a loophole in the curse and the eclipse became the day the Sun and the Moon looked forward to.
Thousands of years passed and eventually they were blessed with the miracle of conceiving.
One boy
One girl
These children were watched closely by both gods and man.
The belief that these children were destined for greatness is a belief that caused panic amongst everyone.
Of course they were powerful, but the extent of their power frightened those around them.
It is said that the child's sign from the stars is determined not by their birth date but by the day they declare a magic.
Or in this case, days.
The girl declared a magic one day after another until she became a wielder of all four elements.
Two months later, the same occurrence happened to the boy.
This was not the cause of panic.
The panic was due to the signs the twins declared.
Virgo and Scorpio
Two signs that the ancients feared would be the cause of immense joy or sorrow. Thus, the ancients included Libra in between with the hope of controlling the two.
Not this time.
Things got worse when other children with connections to the palace started declaring their magic in different months.
The time was coming for the ritual.
We were left with a new generation of signs to perform the sacred ritual which only happens every 150 years.
This time they had more power so no one knew what would be the outcome, especially if the twins preferred the darker aspects of the world.
Chaos and terror sprang out at the fear of the future.
Fear reached its highest point when one of the children had their life taken by the evil attacking their purpose.
The remaining children were hidden somewhere far.
It is said that they will return once desperation reaches it's climax and we have no other option but to take the risk and hope for the ritual to be completed.

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