Chapter sixty-five

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The sky is gloomy with the pungent scent of death hanging across every inch of the haunted landscape.
Hidden in plain sight, no one would've notices the monstrosity hidden behind the so-called last breath cliff. Especially since those who visit are never searching for a cure but rather an end.

Slowly, beyond the cliff, a black marble tower reveals itself from the sleeving mist. A single glow of bright yellow light from the tallest tower comes off as deathly glowing eyes amongst the darkness. The image is much to haunting.

Claw marks seem to dress every brick as if it would be foreign if it didn't have that mark. Every second wall has traces of dried blood decorating it for more company. It's as if the tower itself welcomes outsiders but its inhabitants only speak of the language of death.

A girl with grey hair glinting off of the sparse light etches her way to lead the three. June walks carefully and soundlessly as she walks with her bow and arrow ready for an attack.

Behind her, a large figure tries to conceal himself behind her small body. Toni cowers behind her, every sound setting him off on a constant rant about why the group should leave.

"Toni! Seriously, if you're too scared, wait outside!" June whips around and sets her eyes on Toni. They seem to shred every ounce of complaints he may have. She furrows her brows out of anger that he wanted to come along.

"Yeah we can handle it. You can head back while we find the flame." Kai's gentle tone eases Toni after June's expressions seemed to have the effect of ripping off a bandaid.

"No. I'm the oldest, I have to keep an eye on the two of you?" Toni replies but it sounds as if he's only reassuring himself.

June rolls her eyes at the comments but refuses to say anything aloud. She doesn't know what's hiding in the darkness and there's no way she's going to let an argument distract her.

Soon Kai stops in his tracks. The absence of the sound of his footsteps make June and Toni stop as well. June turns around to question the sudden holt but Kai puts his finger to his lips to shush her.

"Can you hear that?" Kai whispers. He sounds on edge as he frantically moves his head back and forth, scanning the darkness.
June raises and eye brow and Toni seems to mimic Kai's motion with big eyes, afraid of something popping out at any second.

Then they hear it. Faint at first but it becomes more dominant the more they listen. The cackling sound of evil laughter carrying through the darkness and if a witch is encircling them. The ancient guffaw of an old hag disguised in the shadows. The three stand completely still as the laugh becomes more dominant.

As the shadows tear away from an emerging figure, Toni's shoulders ease at its sight. A frail looking old women with a hunch slowly makes her way towards the three. June is more alert than ever, she feels uneasy and she can't help but expect appearances to be deceiving.

"My boy, would you mind help me find my ingredients?" Her shaky voice croaks and her fragile arms cause Toni to experience a flush of sympathy. He immediately forgets any sense of fear and moves to aid the old women but suddenly feels a weight dragging his arm backwards.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" June scolds Toni as if he were a child. He looks at her with a questioning expression, gesturing his head in the women's direction as if to plead for permission to help her.

"Don't even start with that. Now is not the time for sympathy Toni." June pulls Toni forward and spits her words through her teeth as a sign of annoyance but also common decency.

"June, I want to help her. She's nothing but a poor old women. Have a heart for once." Toni fights back. His nose flares from annoyance then they both look at Kai as if asking for him to add his two cents.

Kai isn't paying attention. His eyes scan the women with curiosity and uncertainty. It's obvious to June that he is feeling uneasy. This gives her all the more ammunition to put down Toni's pleas.

June hold a stiff grip onto Toni's arm and nothing seems to loosen the leash of steel she created. Eventually, Toni admits defeat and June eases her grip but doesn't release him.

"My apologies ma'am, but we are on a tight schedule. I will look into sending you aid." Toni speaks in a gentle tone. His eyes grow big with sympathy and he kneels his head to show respect to the frail women.

"Boy, I hear you say that you want to help me." Her voice is still shaky but this time it has a sinister tone spreading an atmosphere of evil as if the women knew she had won. Toni mumbles words of apologies rambles on about his schedule but it's no use. He clearly remembers admitting to June that he wanted to help.

Her transparent eyes shift to one with beady hungry red eyes and she watches Toni with an eerie smile as she moves closer to him. Before she can reach out and touch him, June already has a blade at her throat and Kai has a blade at her back. In one swift motion, the blades seems to have its own mind and meet her flesh resulting in a flash of with smoke flooding the room and she disappears without a trace.

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