Chapter thirty-five

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Even though they each have their own rooms which have been perfectly designed to suit them, the seven still prefer to spend their time together in Toni's room.

Toni's room is airy and simple. His closet is the complete opposite!
Paintings of river run along his walls making his room look calming and peaceful like it's a part of nature. One corner of the room is only filled with cook books and thus, ever since Toni stepped into the room, he hasn't left that corner. In fact, he is still sitting on the floor and reading through the books. There's no doubt that he's planning to take over the palace kitchen.

Sonii and Kai are lounging on the bed with the basket of strawberries in between them. For a second, it reminds Sol of Sunday mornings back home where those two would always reserve the TV to watch their cartoons.

June braids Lilli's locks so that they stay out of her face while Lilli rambles on about the things she did with her parents. Funny enough, June isn't jealous. She's ready happy for her friend despite her own experience with her family.

Sol slips the discarded books back into the shelf because he knows that Toni won't get to it since he's too immersed in the other books and that Toni's tendency to sleepwalk will leave him with a few bruises if he trips on the books.

Milo pushes the door open, wearing the most questionable of designs and starts strutting around like a model at a fashion show. He wears a bright pink and yellow floral shirt with green pants and an orange blazer. His fashion choice leaves Sonii and Kai in a fit of giggles while June only rolls her eyes and Toni takes no notice.

"Remind you of anyone?" He models around, completely forgetting how much of a fool he is making of himself.
"Wait I know! It's Toni, isn't it?" Lilli laughs referring to Toni's clothing when he had to chop wood. At this point, Toni looks up and looks as if he had seen a ghost.

"How are we even related?" Is all Toni says as he shoves his brother out of the room and locks the door. This leaves everyone, including himself, laughing nonstop.

Sonii is completely out of breath and resorts to standing on the balcony to calm herself down. She stands overlooking the back garden and how the flowers seem to glow enchantingly in the dark. The gentle breeze blowing her hair backwards feels therapeutic.

She notices guards walking backwards and forwards across the ground. One in particular catches her eye. This one looks like the type of guy who gets into bar fights every second night. He's rough around the edges and wears an annoyed look on his face.

It's his eye that completely catches Sonii. Especially the scar. The same scar which the creature that attacked her had. She scans his armor and sees the mark the creature had, on his arm.

This sparks anger inside of her. She's angry because if it wasn't for that attack, maybe things could've turned out differently. A variety of scenarios play on her mind as she rushes out the bedroom door causing Milo to fall through the open door since he had been leaning against it.

Her simple gown flows behind her as she makes her way down the stairs. Sol follows behind at a steady pace and eventually manages to grab hold of her arm.

"What's going on? Did you see something." He sounds urgent. Every time someone acts on the spot, Sol assumes it's because something bad is happening.

Before Sonii can explain, a booming voice erupts from the center hall. Sonii and Sol creep quietly towards a pillar so they can glimpse at what's happening.

The hall is massive and reminds Sol of a chapel. The room has been carved delicately that he fears any further noise could rapture it.

At the end, they see a man wearing only dark shades of blue. The look in his eyes is even darker but there's something about him that makes the twins feel like he isn't someone they shouldn't fear.

He sits on the throne and at his feet, the man with the scar kneels. They speak to each other in hushed tones as if they're discussing a mater of life and death.

Sonii gets a shock at the sight of the scarred man and immediately retreats back towards the stairs, pulling on her brother's arm so that he gets the message.

Unfortunately, this catches Sol off guard and he nearly trips which results in the squeak of his shoe echoing throughout and all eyes glued towards the twins.

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