Chapter twenty-eight

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One by one they open their eyes and stare mesmerized at their new surroundings. They stand in the darkness of a cave, the only light coming from an unknown source above the center. The center looks like something out of a story book.

A beautiful tree lays its roots in the center. It's leaves, silver and gold, fluttering as its hit with a slight breeze. It's bark is a light brown as has intricate carvings trailing across. Around it, is grass greener than any other. The smell of rain hitting on the fresh soil encompasses everyone.

No one dares to speak, fearing any slight sound will tear the beauty from this landscape. Slowly but surely they manage to rip their eyes away and move stealthily into the darkness.

Eventually they emerge, blinded by the bright light, to a forest landscape. The area looks abandoned, forgotten as if no one's stepped foot there in ages.
"Um guys..." Milo's voice croaks as he brings everyone's attention to what lies behind them. Above the entrance of the cave which is now hidden by hanging plants, sits a majestic work of architecture.

A palace of stunning detail. Even from the distance, it's easy to tell that every brick has its own story. The building looks aged like it holds onto every memory of its past but it also looks strong as if it won't let its past become its definition.

With very few words spoken, the group decides to move towards the castle, with June and Sol taking the lead and Sonii and Kai in the rear. Everyone is still unsettled about how they arrived. They can still feel the sensation of their bodies breaking apart into stars with each new step.

Their road to the palace is nothing special. There is no one roaming around, not even the sounds of the public carrying on with their daily chores. Everything and everyone seems empty.

Once they reach the palace gate which has been decorated with the Sun and Moon symbols, Lilli pulls a face of curiosity which is mirrored in everyone else's expressions. The gates are open as if they were expected at any moment.

Now they have a clearer view of the palace. It isn't decorated with elaborate materials, instead it has carvings which run over every inch. It's a combination of black and whites marble and almost seems like a symbolism of day and night.

Once the last person, which is Kai, crosses over into the palace ground, a women at the top of the palace stairs comes running down. Her bright gown carries in the breeze behind her and she still manages to look graceful as she runs. Her wild hair flows behind her. She looks as if she's floating.

As she gets closer, Toni notices a remarkable resemblance. Her dark eyes, her dark hair, the tan skin and the narrow eyes look very similar to...
The women finally stops when she wraps her arms around Sonii and Sol and pulls them in tighter.

She wears a simple tiara of flowers with interwoven sun beads. She then releases the to and looks at them with admiration. Suddenly a tear slips down her cheeks and she lifts her finger to wipe it away.
"I'm sorry, I just can help myself. I'm so happy you're home. No one can explain the pain a mother feels when she has to live without her children." The women gushes.

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