Chapter thirty-nine

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"Armor on now!" Hunter's voice commands to Sol and Kai, who stand huddled at the back of the room. The armory is cold and the clanks of metal emphasizes the mood even further. This is no place for fun. This is the place where battles are planned and war is won.

He remembers the moment when he felt like Antarctica had relocated to his bed when Hunter woke him up with a bucket of ice water. A soaked Kai stood with chattering teeth behind him as Hunter told them both that Kai's father wanted Kai to follow in his footsteps and when Sol's father heard that, he gladly volunteered his son to join in for the experience.

Sol feels a burning sensation in his pocket causing him to pull out the key ring. The key ring her acquired in the Aura of Magic. The knights helmet expands in his hand. The heat radiating through his body like some set him on fire.

The helmet reaches human size and both Sol and Kai watch in amusement.
"Looks like you came prepared." Hunter remarks.

Hunter is dangerous, that's no secret. It's obvious that he doesn't take any nonsense and thus, Sol and Kai remain silent most of the practice.

Throughout the lesson, Hunter teaches them skills they never thought they'd learned. Skills to apply in battle and win. Through lectures on theory and demonstrations of physical work, the day will leave them with an infinite amount of bruises.

"Good Kai. It seems that you're going to be just like your father." Hunter analyzes Kai's precision with the blade. His movements are robotic but are a representation of pure talent.
Sol on the other hand...

"You're attacking your opponent not slicing bread!" Hunter shouts at Sol's poor movements. He has been rehearsing the same attack for nearly two hours And has not come close to succeeding.

With a sigh, Hunter dismisses Kai and walks to Sol's side.
"Do you need someone to be on the verge of death before you attack? That night, you fought better than anyone I've seen for a while. What happened?" Hunters gruff voice says. He doesn't look directly at Sol. He stares at the dented wall, reminding himself of his past troublesome trainees.

Sol falls to his knees and takes deep breaths. Sweat flows down his face causing his shirt to paste itself against his chest as he throws his armor to the side. He says nothing, he won't admit defeat nor will he continue for today.

Hunter notices Sol's tired movements and dismisses him for the day, stating that they will continue tomorrow but there will be no more breaks. Only hard work.

Sol summons whatever energy he has left to spray some water onto his face, once again thankful for his power. He drags his feet towards his room. His vision becomes blurry from exhaustion. He's not waking up until he hears the chime signaling that the ball will begin.

While on his way, he passes his mother who drifts around frantically.
"What do you mean she's busy? I can't wait any longer!" She looks as if she might have a panic attack. She rambles on and on but the moment she mentions Sonii's name, Sol swings back around with newfound energy.

"What about my sister?" His voice becomes a unique balance between fear and aggression.
His mother's eyes grow wide in fear.
She won't admit anything.
She won't spread information.
She turns around and walks away, ignoring her son's question. She isn't explaining anything until she knows the truth. Until then, she will disguise the truth like a ghost: shrouded in mystery but with the knowledge to create a disaster.

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