Chapter thirty-eight

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June smiles happily as she dances out her room to look for Jules. Jules made her day by leaving a bundle of thistle flowers on June's bedside table along with a thank you note for the lesson with the dagger.

For once, June twirls around and feels the constantly changing weight of her gown as it flows with her. She loves the feeling of being needed and nothing trumps the way she feels when she acts like a big sister.

June is so caught up in her thoughts, she doesn't realize that she twirls into Milo and nearly trips thanks to her long gown. Milo manages to hold her up but he himself is quite shaky. He looks around frantically as if he's supposed to be hiding his blushed face.

"You okay?" June's forehead creases as she watches her friend's paranoia. Her previous thoughts have drifted away as she faces the riddle of what is going on inside Milo's head. She links her arms with Milo and glides him towards the kitchen.

Last night, she and Toni spent hours figuring out how everything works so they'd be ready in the morning. Now, June considers herself an expert in this kitchen so it's no surprise when she sorts her way through the pantry and brings out dried tea leaves. She boils them and slides the calming liquid towards Milo.

The tea works like a charm and calms Milo down. But maybe a bit too much because he starts talking...
He sounds as if he's in a space between consciousness and dreams. He's completely dazed when he reveals what happened between him and Sonii and the fact that they're currently a couple. It's as if he's completely drunk and reveals his encounter with the queen which in his opinion, was very uncomfortable considering the fact that she nearly walked in on him with her daughter.

June can't help but laugh at the fact that he's been so paranoid out of embarrassment from nearly getting caught. To her, it's like the funniest thing and she manages to calm herself down.

Eventually, the effects of the tea wear off and the two still sit at the table and talk.
"I'm sorry, were you off to any specific place before you had to deal with me?" Milo mumbles, suddenly feeling like he's been sober all his life.
"No it's fine. I was actually looking for the little girl I helped yesterday. She left me flowers and I wanted to thank her." June smiles as she thinks back. She loves kids and the thought of being rewarded by the child for helping them, makes her ecstatic.

"Well than let me help you look for her." Milo offers and is immediately on his feet and ready to start searching. June moves along with him and together they walk throughout the palace. They explore the lively gardens and even the hidden gems behind the thick stone slabs.

After having explored the entire palace, June feels heavy hearted knowing that Jules was no where to be found. It's all until they walk down the hall towards their rooms where she sees the familiar black braid standing at the end.

She gives out a squeal of joy and rushes forward only to be pulled back by Milo. She rapidly turns to look at him.
"What?" She tries to speak quickly so she can move over to Jules.
"Are you okay? You squealed and there wasn't any reason." Milo worriedly looks at her.
"There she is." June says as she sprints around to find nothing ahead of her. She thinks nothing of it since it seems like Jules has a knack for disappearing. She lets out a confused humph then scans the rest of the area. Maybe she only thought she saw Jules however seconds later she sees Jules again and makes a big fuss to attract Milo's attention that moment.

Jules wears a bright red dress with white bows - she isn't easy to miss because she stands out like a sore thumb amongst the aged stone interior of the castle. June could sworn that Milo turned around the moment she saw Jules. .He had to have seen her. There's no way he can miss her and yet he still says, "June , there's nothing there but an empty hallway."

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