Chapter forty-five

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They are confident at first but a few hours and multiple cups of coffee later, they feel as if they're still stuck at square one. People say it's easy to know when someone is immersed in a book, they say those people will not move until they've reached the end. That they could withstand fire and ice to feed their thirst for knowledge. That description perfectly fits this group. Seated cross legged directly in front of the shelf they found their book, they flip through the pages as if it's oxygen as they search for an answer.

It's obvious they'd been here for a long time as the dark sky is replaced with the bright smudges of the shadows of daylight. They won't let their body get the best of them so they continue to search. It's gotten to a point where Toni makes a joke comparing himself to the time Mr Bean used matchsticks to keep his eyes open.

Once the morning chattering echoes in the hall signaling that the day has officially started, Kai, Sol and Milo drag their feet as they make their way into the archive. Milo's bruised jaw seems to have intensified overnight but Kai's cut on his cheek managed to scab. Sol does his best to hide his bruised knuckles by draping them with cloth. Even after a night's sleep, the three look like a group of ruffians looking for a new victim.

"What are you up to?" Kai's morning voice echoes loudly through the dead-quiet library as he glances over at Sonii's book but addresses everyone.
"Finding clues on whatever we need to complete so we can go home." Sonii admits, not once looking up from her book. Kai can tell that none of they slept a wink from their croaking voices and dark circles beneath their eyes. He won't mention it because he knows it would only anger June.

"Found anything useful yet?" Sol asks. He looks as if the idea of searching for clues has immediately revived his brain and he's ready to attack the day.

"Not really. So far, we only found that each time the ritual is performed, someone dies. They trap part of their soul in an object which the next generation has to use to harness their power since that zodiac stops reincarnating. That's about it. We haven't found anything about previous generations. We're not getting anywhere." June explains and tosses her book aside in frustration then gets up to find another book.

"Maybe there's something we're not looking at. What if we can try look at it from a different angle?" Sol suggests trying to be helpful but only finds himself receiving a nasty glare from is sister who's acting out from exhaustion.
"Its a library, Sol. There's not many different angles to look at in a library." June says, failing to hide her irritation even though it's obvious she's trying.

"Maybe the fairytales." Milo suggests slowly. He spouts the words as if his brain is taking a long time to process his thoughts like the way a rusted machine needs to start up before it can work. He gestures towards the untouched shelf of children's books.
"Bro, I love you but I think it's stupid to hide such an important book in the kid's isle." Toni finally says while he rubs his eyes as if he's trying to wipe away the exhaustion.

Milo doesn't reply to his brother. He knows everyone is going to think he's stupid. He even thinks his idea is stupid. But if he doesn't check it out know, it will keep calling out to him and he won't be able to concentrate on anything else.

He walks towards the shelf. It's covered in dust as if no one's been here for ages which is true since he they all left over a decade ago. He runs his fingers over the spines as he recalls all the stories Jane used to tell them when they were younger. At least, now he knows where she found them.

Towards the end, the books feel unstable. He tries to push them inwards towards the back of the shelf and they move. He finds this odd since the shelf is mounted on the wall so there shouldn't be any space to move the books back.

He pulls the books out and finds a small carved out section at the very back. It's only big enough for one book. He can't exactly see into the space so he pushes his hand towards the back and lets his fingers do the searching. He finally catches the spine and pulls the book out.

It's covered in old fashioned white leather giving the impression of a holy book. It's pages are yellow showing it's age. He brings it over to a table which everyone else surrounds like moths to a flame.

Amazed at first, Lilli even yells out a squeal of victory. Until they look closely at the book. All the pages are blank except for the first one.
If they're going to find the objects, they'll have to do them one by one because the book won't share more information until the first object is found.

And thus, the hunt for the first object begins.
If only they payed more attention.
If only they noticed the finer details.
The fairytale that hid the leather book from the common eye is the first clue.
But no one knows.

Dear readers
I love you so much
I'm so grateful for each and every one of you. I feel like I have my own little family here.
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