Chapter fifty-six

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She is the most accurate depiction of elegance you will ever see.
Her black gown hangs like shadows luring people into the darkness underneath.
Her bright blue eyes shine like diamonds and hold your gaze as if you're in a trance.
Her platinum white hair falls over her shoulders mimicking a waterfall.
She takes men's breaths away.
She challenges women on the ground of beauty.
She is Europa, daughter of Jupiter.

Kai's eyes are fixed to Europa's beauty. His thoughts are blocked by her mesmerizing appearance. It takes a nudge from Sol, who is standing right beside him disguised in armor, to awaken him from his daze.

Sonii stands before Europa, holding her head high in grace and honor. Her silver gown stands in contrast to the dark waves of Europa's gown. They greet each other and in that moment, everyone is focused on the two's encounter. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

No one notices Kai sneaking off to find the necklace hidden deep within the palace walls. He strides carefully to not attract any attention to himself.

"Cousin! I must say I'm surprised. I was expecting someone rough along the edges." Europa speaks while examining her nails. She speaks disinterested in the encounter and her tone applies that she thinks of herself as highly superior compared to anyone else in the room.

"Glad to have been a surprise. Thank you for having me over." Sonii keeps her tone happy and gentle. She hates public displays of arrogance but she must comply so that everything goes according to plan.

Ever since Milo told her about the necklace, she has been contemplating a plan to retrieve it. Meeting her cousin is the only way. While she keeps Europa busy, Kai will find the necklace and Sol will keep watch so that his mind is at ease.

Out of the corner of her eye, she keeps her brother's knight helmet in sight. She only recently discovered that her brother went against their father to accompany her. She couldn't explain the rage that boiled through her body when she first found out but somehow, the thought that her bother will be her beacon of support subdued the fury.

Moments pass and Sonii begins to feel uneasy. Every few minutes, a new guard enters the hall at which the encounter takes place. It is a large hall indeed but this occurrence doesn't need an audience.

Sonii suspects foul play. Her suspicions hits high when she realizes that Europa's guards seem to outnumber her own. She turns for a second to look at Hunter. He shares the same suspicious expression but his strong eye contact assures her that he is ready to fight.

Sonii turns back around to face Europa, was only to find a swords positioned towards her heart.
"Aww, dear cousin, did you really think I wanted to make amends?" Europa laughs obnoxiously and a wicked aura seems to revolve around her.

"No, all I wanted was to get you alone so that I could have a little fun. Not like my brother. Something a little more exhilarating-" Europa breaks off by attempting to push her sword forward but Sonii is two steps ahead. Within a split second, Hunter throws her a sword of her own which she now positions above Europa's heart.

"Well, I think it's think you learn that I'm always up for a fight." Sonii says then starts slicing through the air with such impact that Europa is shocked. The two light the spark of battle which burns throughout the hall as their separate armies follow in their example.

The fight is strong. Both the girls are skilled fighters. But Sonii is like a flame that doesn't burn out and attacks with maximum power leaving her opponent breathless and running out of defenses.

During the fight, Sonii spares a glance towards the crowd and witnesses the image of a dark silver knights helmet hit the ground with a heart wrenching clatter.

That moment she uses her strength to push Europa away so that she has a minute longer to analyze the scene.

Sol lays unconscious in the middle of the battle. Blood seeps from an unknown wound creating a crimson pool around him.

The image is too much for Sonii to take in. Her eyes change like a chameleons as she stares at Europa, hungry for revenge.

They say that fire brings comfort and warmth. Everyone forgets that fire is also destruction and hell. Two things that Sonii becomes during her fight with Europa. Her flame of war has become a forest fire and she attacks as rapidly as that forest fire spreads.

The scene has given her the will to fight. Within a matter of seconds, she has Europa against the wall with a sword at her throat. Sonii moves closer and eyes the Ivy on the walls, summoning them towards her and restraining Europa against the wall.

Now, the once mighty women cries out for mercy towards her cousin. Tears stream as she pleads for her life, offering everything she can think of.

Sonii adjusts her grip on the sword and holds it tightly before pushing it forward. It misses Europa's neck by a hair width, leaving a cut alongside her throat. Then Sonii leans forward and whispers something to her cousin in a voice that would make the devil cry.

"The only reason I'm not killing you, is because that's the easy way out for you. I have other plans so don't force me to use them. Next time, think twice before messing with me." Sonii spits through her teeth, leaving Europa in a fit of choking wails.

The entire hall is frozen in their steps as they watch the two. After Sonii finishes talking, she abruptly drops her sword and rushes to her brother's side. No one stops her. Not even Europa's guards. It's either because they feel sympathetic or fearful.

She finally reaches Sol's side and is met by Kai who rushes over within mere seconds. His clutches a necklace with a blood red ruby hanging from its heavenly chain. Ironically, attending a scene from his personal hell. His attention it fixed on his friend.

Sonii slips her fingers on her brother's neck, trying to search for a pulse. Tears pour from her face and she can't see clearly. She has to force herself to calm down so that she can tend to her brother.
His heartbeat is faint.
Very faint.
Almost non-existent.

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