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For the first time since I started my internship, I was actually going to be Spiderwoman all afternoon instead of after 6.

I walked to Delmar's, the bodega across the street from my school and saw Mr Deomar, the owner, and his fat cat, Murph.

"What's up, Mr Delmar?"

"Hey, Miss Parker. Haven't seen you in a while. Still a number 5?"

"Got an after school internship. Yes, with pickles and can you smush it down real flat? Thanks."

"Fancy. How's your aunt?"

"She's alright."

He turned to the guy making my sandwich and spoke to him in Spanish. "La tía de é les una italiana muy bellissima." (Her aunt is a very hot Italian woman.)

I just rolled my eyes. "¿Como està tu esposa, eh?" I raised my eyebrows. The guys behind the counter laughed.

"10 dollars."

"It says 5 dollars."

"For that comment, 10 dollars."

"Hey, if anything it should be free for what you said about my Aunt. Here's 5 dollars." I walked over to where Murph, the very fat cat, lay. "Hey Murph."

"How's school?"

"Boring. Way too easy."

"Stay in school, kid. Stay in school. Otherwise you're gonna end up like me."

"You're doing pretty alright."

"Best sandwich in Queens." He gave me my sandwich.

"Don't I know it. Thanks, Mr Delmar!"

I went into an alley and put my suit on with the bracelets I built with Tony so I wouldn't have to change into my suit.

I stopped a bike thief, left a kind note, and swung around some buildings.

"Hey!" I looked down to see a Street Vendor looking up at me.


"You're that spider guy from YouTube right?!"

"The name's Spiderwoman!" I shouted down to him.

"OK, Spiderwoman, do a flip!"

I scoffed lightly, but did a triple back flip anyway.


Later on, I saw an old dominican lady who looked lost. I gave her directions and she bought me a churro. "Gracias."

I sat on a building, eating my churro and calling Tony. "Sup, Anthony."

"Danielle. How was your full afternoon of being a superhero?"

"It was good. I stopped a grand theft bicycle, did a triple backflip for a street vendor, and helped a lost Dominican lady who bought me a churro in thanks."

"Sounds like you've had an exciting afternoon."

"Yup. How's India?"

"It's good. I miss Pepper, but what can I do?"

"What will you do if you come back and find that Clint has destroyed your penthouse?"

"I'm gonna kill the idiot."

"Of course. How's the search for an heir coming along?"

"It's just stressed Pepper out to the maximum level. I wish I could have brought her with me."

"Well, being CEO of a very important company doesn't come with a lot of holiday time."

"Fair enough."

"Did you check out the recommendations they gave you?"

"We did."

"And was I right?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

I laughed. "OK, have fun in India, I'll probably call you next week, please try and get some sleep. And get something in your stomach that isn't alcohol."

"Yes, Mother. I thought Pepper was meant to be the one making sure I don't die?"

"Well you're so bad at it that we decided you need more than one person to help you."

"Ha ha."

"I can hear you rolling your eyes through the phone, Tin Can."

"Is that a thing that comes with the enhanced senses?"

"No. I just know you too well, Stark."

"Alright, nice talking to you kid. End call."

He hung up and I started to look around the city to find crime to fight.

Then I saw some robbers breaking into a bank. "Not on my watch."

They started to break into the ATMs inside the bank, so I swung down and leaned on the wall. "You know, I don't think that's how you're meant to use an ATM."

They turned around and I saw that they were wearing Avengers masks. "Woah, you're the Avengers. Hey, Iron Man, I thought you were in India?"

They went to shoot me with their weird gun thing, so I webbed it and swung it up to hit him in the face. "Oops."

I threw Thor and Hulk into a vault. "Thor, good to finally meet you. Thought you'd be a lot better looking in person, gotta be honest. Why are you even robbing a bank? You're a God."

I then got in a fight with Iron Man. I dodged a punch from him and threw one of my own back at him. I elbowed Cap in the gut and he fell to the floor because of my super strength.

"You know, I'm starting to think you're not the Avengers. They can fight way better than this."

One of the guys hit me with their alien weapon thing and I bounced up and down. "This is fun. How do jerks like you get tech like this? Mia, what Tech are they using?"

"This kind of technology appears to have a Chitauri core."

"Really? Damn. I gotta tell Tony about this."

I jumped out of the weapon's aim and kicked them right in the nose. Then, the guy with the weapon powered it and I sliced through Delmar's.

"Shit." I quickly knocked the guys out and went to save Delmar's.

"Mr Delmar? Are you OK?" I saw him coughing in the corner and helped him outside, under my arm. Then, I went back in for Murph the cat.  "Here's your cat dude."

I turned around and saw that the robbers had got up and escaped. "Ugh."

I swung around, trying to find them but checked my watch and saw that I needed to get home.

I got to my window and saw Aunt May was in the kitchen, so crawled on the ceiling and closed the door, quietly dropping to the floor and taking off my mask. Then, I noticed Ned.

"Dude, don't scare me like that. I needed you out there. Where were you?"

"I said I would come over to build the death star and you agreed."

"I wasn't listening! I was too busy admiring Liz."

"You mean staring at."

"Maybe." I hissed.

I took off my Spider suit, where I still had my school clothes on. I quickly pulled the suit off my body and stepped out of it, right before May came in.

"The Turkey Meatloaf recipe is a disaster. Thai? Ned, you want Thai?"


"Great." She left and Ned looked at me.

"So, will you help me build the lego death star?" He smiled innocently and I sighed.


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