Chapter 40

489 38 9

Kelly Brown- Williams 1993
December ~

Only three more fucking days left and I'm back to school!'s not a place I don't want to be in either but I need my education and I miss my friends. I feel, bad not answering Mary and Kayla's phone calls, I need to invite them over before I go back to school and they start cussing my ass How comes you ain't ever call me or Why are you deliberately missing my I don't need that.

Imma change up myself a little bit when I get back though. I wanna change up my style, do something different with my hair. I'm also going to take on Kim's advice and give Nick a chance, hoping it will get my mind off of DeVante. Also when I get back, I want Ashley to get in her head that I'm not afraid to do what I did to her two weeks ago again, if she's opens up her dick smelling breathe and chat shit about me or anyone close to me.

I flung my bag on the counter as I went into the fruit basket to pick up an apple. As soon as I washed my apple, the phone started ringing. I had to quickly get a paper towel and wipe of the wetness before I missed the call.

'Hello........who is this?' I answered the phone

'Now that's no way to answer the phone to me, you know your mother taught you better than that'

'Nina-' I wasn't sure if it was her or not

'Yes Kelly' She answered

'Wait-How did you get my number' I was grinning from ear to ear, but still in shock

'What do you mean by how, girl you don't know we got records' she said 'plus, when are you gonna stay your behind out of trouble?'

'What do you mean? What have you heard about me?' I asked, biting into my apple

'I heard you got a suspension-'

'How do you know that!?' I stopped chewing on my apple

'I must've called the house a couple of days ago, but you weren't here and your mom picked up-'

'She's not my mom' I interrupted her

'Kelly, don't be like that' I could hear Nina frown

'Why is she telling my business and she didn't even have the decency to come and tell me you called!' I started to get angry as I felt like throwing the half eaten apple in the bin

'It's fine Kelly, I'm talking to you now and I'm not going to judge you at all' she said

'I know that, but it's like, why does she have to talk about my business without my approval, like it's not for her to tell'

'Kelly she's worried for you' Nina tried reasoning with me 'she's trying to have a mother-daughter relationship with you'

'How is she when she's barely at home with me?' I asked

'I figured you'd say that' Nina said 'she did tell me that you don't communicate with her probably because of that, but at the same time, you need to have respect for your elders, she took you into her home to look after you, so you could continue your education, provided you with food, water and a roof over your head and that's how you treat her? You wouldn't treat your late mother like that, would you?'


'No buts Kelly, she can still put you back into the system just like all the other family's did'


'I know this sounds harsh but remember that's the reason you were sent back in the system numerous stay disrespecting people, especially mothers just because you don't like people in your business, which I can understand. You isolate yourself, if anyone wanted to come talk to you, it's a big am I right or am I right?'

'Is that a trick question?' I cocked my head

'All the stuff I'm telling you is the truth.......right?' She asked

'Well.....partly.......probably.......'I hesitated to agree with her

'You know I'm right Kelly, but I will tell you this. You better start treating people the way you want to be treated, or you won't ever receive the respect that you want from them'

'Okay' I took another bite of my apple

'Now, I haven't got all day to be on the phone, there gonna create a problem and call me to come and solve got anything you wanna talk about?'

Well see.......

'You know DeVante, my ex boyfriend?'

'Yes' She said 'you're not getting back with him?'

I want to!

'No, but I do still have feelings for him. There's this other boy called Nick, you remember the description of him being one of the finest brothas at my school?'

'Yes, What about Nick?' She sounded snappy

'Hey hey, I'm getting to that part very soon' I snapped a little bit 'I've heard from my sister and her boyfriend that Nick genuinely likes me and they say I should give him a chance, but he's the player type and I'm not strong enough as yet for another boy to jump into my life and ruin it again, just like DeVante did'

'Why do you have to be strong enough in order for another guy to break your heart?' Nina sounded confused

'DeVante broke my heart saying he would always love me, but he never did. I came to school the first time and all I received from him was negativity and I didn't feel welcomed by his presence. He acted as if he didn't know who I was, when we had an argument, he acted as if I was his worst enemy........we are fine now-'

'Kelly, you can't let someone from your past stop you from meeting new people' Nina said

'I know but it's hard!' I said 'imagine if I do grow into Nick, imagine if he says all the things DeVante said to me and he ends up lying because he's cheating on me with another girl' I started making up these scenarios

'Girl Chill, not everyone is DeVante and it's very clear you are still hurt by him' she said 'you know what, do what You want to do, not what everybody else wants you to do. If you really want to give it a go with Nick, you need to wait until you're ready to trust again. It could take days, weeks, months to trust a man into your life again and if by Nick waiting until you're ready, if he cannot accept that, he's not worth it'

'Okay' I took a bite out of the apple

'And one more thing before I go, boys will always come and go, but a good education doesn't. Focus more on your books than these no nonsense boys, the right one will come for you in due time'


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