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You never really might've though about the rules of grammar pertaining to the usage of Comma. It's as a part of fun conversation.

Person 1: "This is a daily friendly reminder to remind you to use a comma instead of full stop while writing a dialogue," she smiled after saying that.
Person 2: "Unless you have a dialogue tag instead of an action again." He took a deep breath after clarifying the point.
Person 3: "Yeah, but there's more," she stood up to clarify, " it's only more appropriate to use a comma of there's an action between to dialogue statements. "
Person 4: "True that." She glanced across the room as she was about to make her point. "But a full stop maybe used if there's an action know between 2 different dialogue statements."
And I thought English grammar was comman sense ya know. *Sighs in relief *

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