Things Indians Do

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When we get free advice from autowallahs in our country about our lives and the country's future.

When crucial political problems are solved by our senior citizens in their morning walks.

When all the problems of the world can be sorted over a cup of tea.

Loving street food even though it's unhealthy but bragging about going to high-end restaurants.

Maintaining a fine balance between shopping for clothes on streets and malls.

The way we travel- There's always space for one more person!

We cross the road without caring for the signal. All colors look green to us.

We honk all the time senselessly, especially 10 secs before light's to go green. We'll honk at cars, people, cows and even traffic police. Traffic rules are for the rest of the world.

Parking is the most fun part of indian roads. Parking spot is not a piece of land, it's a state of mind. You can turn any spot into parkin spot if you feel like so!

Getting our money's worth. 'Paisaa vasool' is a unit of currency for us, which unites us all.

Bargaining like a boss. 'Chalo na aapka na mera' are the golden words without which a transaction cannot be decalred over. Paying at market price is the crime of a customer. Even after fighting tooth and nail over the price and buying the product, if someone tells you you could've bought for cheaper if you would've tried harder, you believe them.

Jumping on and off of moving trains and buses- single largest reason why we were fed Chyawanpraash by our mothers- so we could jum on and off of moving vehicles like boss (or Kajol, whichever you'd prefer). Such a skill aquired can't be easily lost once learnt.

Beleiving in the most number of Gods in the world- and naming and praying to each one of them.

Calling everyone uncle/aunty, regardless of the fact that you are not related to them and you are probably meeting them for first time in your life.

Aquiring a foreign accent after an international trip.

The magnificent art of getting by (a.k.a Jugaad )

Ask for an extra panipuri / golgappa from vendor after he has served you the number you actually paid for. Ask for free corriander or green chillies after buying vegetables from vendors is like a human right.

Mothers will always ask for extra shopping bags whenever you go for shopping and hoards them at home , saying " it will come in use some day " as a result there are polybags inside polybags in some corner of the house.

You are used to getting all sorts of candies and chocolates instead of change from the shopkeeper.

Buying clothes or shoes one size larger than your actual size. No explaination needed for this.

If the clothes doesn't fit the older sibling the younger sibling has to wear it. That's the rule.

If the clothes doesn't fit the younger sibling it has to be used to mop floor.

There's a special set of crockery for our guest.

Snacks appear out of nowhere when the guests arrive.

Whenever anyone is going out of town its a ritual to eat a spoonful of SUGAR and then go. So when Dad is going for a business trip or I'm going for my exams, right before we are leaving Mother India is all ready with a bowl of sugar!

Another practise is that wee CANNOT say "I am going" "Mei jaa raha/rahi hu"
That's completely a NO NO. "Mein Jaake Aati Hu!" pr "Mein aatu hu"is the norm which is to be adhered by.

Toothpaste is squeezed unless it looks shapeless and until the last atom has been used.

Buying pochas is too mainstream. (Iska koi purana kapda lelo).

Parents sneaking into kid's room and phones because there's nothing like privacy for Indian kids.

National dance form of the country: Naagin dance XD

Putting a god's/idol in our car.

Respecting books as Goddess Saraswati. You have to apologise if you touch a book by your feet.

Playing gully cricket and using anything and eerything as stumps. 

Phew, that's it! Comment down if you know more. I'll add it in the further chapters and tag you!:) Have a nice day!

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