Attempting 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' type chapter

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Hey! Quarantine is hella boring but I just hit a brand-new idea about a chapter! Well, it's not new because it has been inspired by 'Diary of the Wimpy Kid' series. So here's how it goes..


Being a Computer Applications student, in the ICSE board, coding comes naturally to me. Or vice versa. It is only easy and fun if knew how to create the code or copy it skillfully from the net. Trust me, some morons of my class can't get through simple programs, despite the facility of the net, or without getting caught.

Though us girls don't cheat generally, even if we do sometimes, we don't get caught. But boys are intrinsically dumb. I tell you what.. there's this one guy who failed an open book test. Why? Because he got the wrong book! I mean wat.

So, these guys sit right under the CCTV in our lab, under the teacher's nose, and expect themselves to not get caught. I mean, good try honey but we all know how this ends. Suspension from class, obviously. This is not Race 3 or something where the plot changes every 2 minutes and turns out the Principal is your aunt and she showed mercy.

The progress in the field of cheating in exams is astonishing. Now they no more carry chits because apparently that's old fashioned. They write stuff on their nails, hide books in the washroom and use gadgets to cheat. That's a whole new level of usage of technology.

I might sound a bit too harsh on students so let's talk about the invigilators aka supervisors aka cheating-in-exam-plan-ruiners. Some supervisors are good ok they allow kids to cheat freely. I like them because this gives lesser incentive or motivation to kids for cheating, you know what I mean. Generally, if kids are told to NOT do something, then they try their best at DOING it. So, this invigilator applies reverse psychology at us, and cheating happens much less.

But the second type of invigilators aka the-one-who-suck-our-blood are horrible. They are way too strict and intimidating which makes kids to disobey and disrespect them. They stare at us as if we were criminals running away from the FBI or some kind of non-human-species. Slight movements make them think we are cheating, which means I can't even breathe more or less air than usual because that would change the size of my stomach while breathing and my heart-rate would change, which will lead him into baseless suspicions that I must be cheating, and on basis of these assumptions, he'll suspend me. Like I said, horrible.

Children cheat because education system values marks more than learning and talent. Some things need to change, effective immediately. Comment down below and tell me a few things you'd like to change about the education system. I shall be glad to read them!:)

Stay safe! Bye! 

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