More Random Thoughts

65 17 16

1. The brain not only named itself but also got surprised when it realised it named itself.

2. When you drive a new car, you are rich. When you drive an old car, you are poor. But when you drive a super old car, you are super-rich.

3. When I see someone wear $50,000 watch, I don't know if they're really good with money or really bad with money.

4. We use tables to keep food off the floor, tablecloth to keep food off tables, placemats to keep food off tablecloth and plates to keep food off placemats.

5. Technically, almost every mirror you buy in a shop is a used one.

6. People who die in tragic ways are just going about their day not knowing they're about to die.

7. Either we're alone in the universe or we aren't. Either possibility is mind-boggling.

8. Have we ever used the same currency/note twice at 2 very different times?

9. I wonder if my ancestors ever owned my current dog's ancestors.

10. If you punch yourself and it hurt you, are you too strong or too weak?

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