Science jokes

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Hope you understand these jokes, I would like to belive I have an educated audience. Just a joke ;)

Biology: The only subject where multiplication and division mean the same.

Recently a gene for shyness was found. It would've been found earlier but it was hiding behind 2 other genes.

Study tip: Don't drink water while studying because chemistry says adding water decreases concentration.

What do you call an educated tube? A graduated cylinder.

I know you guys must be thinking "Akanksha, do you have an good jokes?". Akanksha: "Sodium"

I know another good science joke.. It's on the tip of my Tungsten!

What do you do when you rscience jokes keep failing? I keep trying until I get a reaction.

Buy 1 electron and 1 proton and get 1 neutron free of charge!!

Why did the Physicist and Biologist break up? They had no Chemistry.

I think I left some Bromine and Boron jokes in my drawer, I'll just get it. BrB.

If you break the Law of Gravity, would you get a suspended sentence?

Biologists take cell-fies. 

Satellite photos are Earth selfies.

What award did Sir Gregor Mendel win for his extraordinary work in Genetics? Nobel Peas Prize.

Humans are made of Carbon(C), Hydrogen(H), Nitrogen(N), and little bit Sodium (Na). We're NaCHO%.

Research: What you are doing when you don't know what you're doing.

What did the cell say when his sister stepped on his toe? MITOSIS!

What element doesn't like to follow? Lead(Pb).

The element of confusion? Um.

What's a chemists favourite wheel? A Ferrous Wheel!

Laughing gas? HeHeHe.

If H20 is water, H2O2 is Hydrogen Peroxide, so what is H204? Drinking.

I froze myself to -273 degree Celcius. My friends were worried but I said I was 0K.

What weapon can you make from Potassium, Nickel and Iron? KNiFe.

What was the name of the first electricity detective? Sherlock Ohms.

If a plant is sad, do other plans photosympathise with it??

What's a snake which is 3.14m long called? A py(pi)thon.

I was up all night wondering where did the sun go? Then it dawned on me...

Things I learnt from chemistry: Intereting reactions, deadly compunds and drawing hexagons.

Things I learnt from Physics: Loads of formula, greek letters and pronunciations and drawing perfect squares.

Things I learnt fro Math: Wasting pages :(((((((((

What do you call a group of female swimmers names Jennifer? Hydro-Jens.

Why is mushroom always invited to parties? Because he's a fun guy (fungi). 

Oof, that's it for this chapter.

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