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Hey all!
Though I love my country to the fullest, there are just a few things that puzzle me. Here are some of them:

1. Indians parents want their child to stand out of the crowd but still expect them to do what the crowd is doing.

2. Sayings like "Ladki ghar ki laxmi hai" and "ladki parivar pe bojh hai" co-exist.

3. We look both ways before crossing a street.
Even if it is a one way road.

4. Everyone is in a hurry.
No one reaches on time.

5. Priyanka Chopra earned more money playing Mary Kom than Mary Kom earned in her entire career.

6. In elections, we dont vote for the candidate we like the most. We vote for the candidate we dislike the least.

7. Indians rank 6th in the number of billionaires per country.
India is the home to one third of the worlds extreme poor.

Definitely something is going wrong and needs change. Dont you think?

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