Modern Problems require Modern Solutions

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We all used for phones in our class. So now they've got our class in our phones. Checkmate.

I asked my brother to get a newspapers. He said, "Use my phone. Don't be old fashioned."
I threw the phone on the wall to kill a spider.

If you can't figure out a song name, just song how much ever you know and upload it on YouTube. YouTube will copyright it.

When a teacher says you can't site sources as Wikipedia, just site the references given at the bottom of the Wikipedia page.

Sometimes when you get late at submitting an assignment.. example a word document/power point.. just open a blank new document, inspect element, and delete a random part of the document and send it on time. When the teacher tries to open it for 1-2 days, you still get extra time to complete it. Then submit it once again to the teacher when she says the document is not opening. Smart right?

You can confess to your crush on April fool's day. If she says yes, then good. If she rejects, just say 'April fools! Joke's on you!'

Modern Problems require
Modern Solutions.

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