Lawyer Jokes

51 13 4

Just jokes. Laugh. Move on.

Judge: Advocate, please say "I object" the next time instead of saying "That's total crap"

Doctor(to patient) : We had difficulty locating your heart. Are you, by any chance, a lawyer. (lol)

At the gates of hell, the doorkeeper asks the newest soul which arrives: I hope you're not a lawyer or a politician. W e are really trying to diversify the crowd down here.

Lawyer (thinking to himself) : Being a lawyer is SO boring. Luckily I have loads of college debts to keep me motivated to continue my job.

Lawyer: Wait I thought Murphy's and Newton's Laws don't apply in here!!

Doctor (after completing surgery) : I don't feel very happy after saving a lawyer you know.

If a lawyer tells one of his old jokes, all of them end up arguing over copyright infringment.

Son: So dad what you're saying is that you get paid loads of money when you save someone but you also get loads of money even when you don't save them. Wow.

Do you guys like such types of chapters? Let me know in the comments so I know what content to put up :)

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