Exams and School again

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I have some geniuses in my class who can't even pass an open book test. Because they got the wrong book.

Anyone who accidentally packs the TV remote instead of calculator for a math test..!?

Dear teacher,

The whole class in my gang. I talk to everyone. Changing my seat can't help.

Friend: Hey hi, can I copy your homework?

Me: We had homework? But it's the first day of school...:((

Friend: Why y do you have coffee every day? Are you gonna die without it?

Me: Not me, but you all will die.

A teacher donated her kidney to save her student. My teacher marks me absent even when I am present in class..

*Has 2 exams on a single day*

Me: But what about human rights?

When you read the first question in the paper, and you already know you're going to fail.

*Opening books a day before the exam*

Books: Oh, you remember me?

Spends all night studying for the exams.

Sleeps all through the exam. LIKE A BAWSE.

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