Shower Thoughts

48 12 23

Before was was was was was is.
>>>Leave an inline comment to let me know you understood it within your first or second reading 😅😅😂😂

Do you ever feel like you like a person's real life personality but not texting personality?

Do you listen to an old song and remember your life when you had first heard the song!?

Do you behave as if you're in a movie or music video when you out on your headphones and listen to music on the streets or in the car?

Life could've been worse. Spiders and cockroaches could've been the same size of cows or elephants. Just saying.
We are so scared of them right now when they're so small, god forbid their size increase even by a centimetre. 😂😅

Why is 'Sean' pronounced as 'Shawn' and not 'Seen' but 'Dean' is pronounced as 'Deen' not 'Dawn'?

The worst feeling ever: Waking up. In the morning 😅😂😅

If you're the kind of public speaker that says "Good morning, oh you can do better than that! Get more energetic and shout GOOD MORNING" I already do not like you 😂

If you're an optimist, you're either right or disappointed. If you're a pessimist, you're either right or pleasantly surprised.

The person you've argued with the most is mostly yourself.

There could have been a moment in history when everyone blinked at the same time but no one noticed it cause no one saw it.

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