Chapter one

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All the characters belong to uncle rick, duh.

Also, this is un-edited, i will publish a final version after this is finished.

The first, what, fifteen chapters at least, don't make sense. It gets better, i swear.


Annabeth's POV

I wake up to see the mid-morning light coming in through the window, and the sound of birds chirping. Shit. She's gonna be so mad. I quickly got up and pulled on my jeans and converse. Then I ran down the stairs, jumping once I got half way down.

"Anna!!!! Where's my coffee?" A horrendous screeching voice said. Aka my step mom, Susan. One word discribes her: ugh.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back. I run to the coffee maker.


"Almost there!" I say.

I grab her favorite mug and pour in the coffee, while running back up the stairs. My foot caught on the step and i almost fell.

"Fu-Frick,"I mutter, hoping Bobby and Mattew didn't hear me. I opened the door to her bedroom with my empty hand and then walked in, setting the coffee on her bedside table.

"Go wake up the boys and get them ready for the day."

"Yes m'am." I muttered an walked out, this time sliding down the railing of the staircase.

I raced into their room and switched ot the lights.

"Bobby! Matthew! Get up!" I said.

They didn't move so I jumped on Bobby's bed and started tickling, so much that he could barely breathe.

"Okay!," he took a breath. "Okay I'm up!!" He screamed, so I got off him.

"Don't make me come over there Matthew." I said. He immediately jumped up, tripping on the blankets from his bed. I stifled a laugh.

"Hey! Not funny!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah." Sarcasm was thick in my voice.

"Whatever" he muttered.

"Susan wants you guys to get ready so you might want to..."

They scrambled up fast when I said that. I just walked out, grabbing my phone on the way.

"I'm gonna go get stuff to make dinner!" I hollered, so they could all hear me. We were having a 'special' Sunday night dinner tonight, so I had to cook it. Obviously. I opened the door and headed into the garage to my car. I drove to Walmart. So exciting.

When I got there, it was completely packed.. I grabbed some noodles, sauce, whatever else you need to make spaghetti, and walked over to the checkout line. I saw someone I did not ever want to see if I didn't have to. Percy Jackson. Ultimate bad boy.

Percy's POV

I had to go to Walmart to buy some stuff for my mom to make cookies. We were going to someone's house later today to eat dinner because my step dad had made friends with their mom. I would've just said I didn't want to go, but it was my mom, so basically I'm going and there's no way out of it. Its gonna be SO boring. Especially cause I can't sit still long. Cause- OOH LOOK SQUIERREL. No. It's not that bad. You thought I was serious?

Someone bumps into me from behind and I recognize her as Annabeth, she goes to my school. I think. Not sure.

Oh my god no I know she does.

I think.

"Um, sorry." she mumbles and looks down.

"It's okay" I said, smirking. The little blush on her cheeks is so innocent.

I check out and drive back home.

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