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"Your mum is going to kill me." I say as I assess my, currently covered in baby food, one year old.


"Yes, yes, I know. You were all clean and now you're a mess, and it's in your hair...crap."

"Momma." She repeats pointing behind me. My eyes grow wide as I turn to indeed find her mother standing behind me.

"You had one flipping job Calum." She says, annoyance in her voice as she rushes in and scoops Paisley up, careful to avoid getting the muck from the baby onto her dress.

I'm too shell shocked for words, still not use to seeing her, or hearing her voice, it's been far too long since I'd seen or heard her consistently.

"I've had a lot more to do today than just keep her clean Jes."

"Whatever. I'll give her a bath in the sink and get her ready, sorry I thought you could manage this one thing I asked of you."

"Damn it Jes." I roar. She gives me a pointed look.

"Watch your mouth." Then she turns on her heels and she's gone.

"Brutal." Luke says from his chair across the room, where he and the others have witnessed the whole exchange.

"Always is." I mutter moving to sit between them. I bury my head in my hands and try to shove everything I'm feeling down. This isn't my day, as much as I wish it was, and I swore I wouldn't let the shit between Jes and I ruin it for Michael.

"You ever gonna tell us what the fuck happened between you two?" Mikey asks.

"The day I figure it out, I'll let you know."

I'm tired of talking about it, the more I let it take over my brain the harder today will be for me. I'm supposed to be married right now. I'm supposed to have already done all of this. Michael and Crystal wanted a long engagement, Jes and I had not, we were supposed to get married three months ago and yet here I sit, at one of my best friends weddings, with an empty heart and a bare ring finger.

I shake off those thoughts and stand up, I grab the garment bag from the closet of the room the groomsmen have all been given. I unzip it and set to work changing into my tux.

"Cal are you sure you're gonna be okay?"

"I'm fine. I'll be fine. Don't worry about my shit today mate. It's gonna be the best day of your life."

He gives a hesitant smile and drops the topic. Instead he takes to worrying about today, asking Luke for the millionth time if the rings are in his jacket, they are, and we all go about getting ready.

Just as we finish assembling our completely black tuxes and Luke finishes putting on his eyeliner, one of the photographers joins us and sets to work arranging and instructing us, going to all extents to make the four of us look presentable. When he's finished it's time for us to take our places.

I try to force my face into something resembling a smile as I follow the others out the dressing room and down the aisle to our places beside the calm, lake water. When we're all settled the music for the bridal party entrance begins.

I try to focus on smiling, put my real feelings aside for now and look like I'm happy, be the guy I need to be today. Once Crystal's bridesmaids have made their way to the front Micheal's dogs act as the ring bearers and rush down the aisle. Everyone laughs, I do as well, mine genuine for the first time in a while.
After the canine display Paisley is helped down the aisle by Jes. She's dressed in an adorable white dress with a flower crown similar to the one worn by the bride. She clings to Jes's hand, wobbling on her shaky legs, still not confident in her steps but she throws the delicate flower petals just like we'd practiced. When they've made it down the aisle she forgets about the basket and flowers and drops to her knees before she crawls over to me. I bend down and pick her up by her outstretched arms and place her on my hip. Her head tilts to rest against my shoulder and she sucks her thumb contently.

There's no one left to enter but Crystal. I can feel Mike's nervousness radiating off of him from my spot. As the doors open and Crystal exits the venue and enters the sunlight I should probably be paying attention to she or Micheal. My attention however, like always when's she's around, is only focused on Jes.

I watch her finally take a seat at the back after Crystal's entrance. She settles into the chair before glancing up and catching me staring at her. I could look away, but I want her to know I'm thinking about her right now, about everything we should have done differently. Michael and Crystal read their vows and I continue to look at Jes she seems as unable to break our eye contact as I am. It's like I want her to know that if she would ever consider it, I'd still repeat these same words to her.

She stands abruptly as the bride and groom share their first kiss as husband and wife and the spell is broken, back to work for her as she gives all the cues for the exits. When it's my turn I walk to the middle and let one of Crystal's best friends Kylie take my arm to escort her down the aisle and back to the venue for us all to do pictures.

I shake her off as soon as we're out of view of the guests, hating the way it feels to be touched by someone who isn't Jes.


I felt Calum's eyes on me the entire wedding. When I finally got a chance to take a seat I chanced a glance at him and found him staring at me, our baby girl in his arms. The rest of the room focused on the bride and groom, while he and I focused only on each other. It was intense and it flooded my heart with feelings I wasn't sure I was allowed to feel anymore.

I tried to clear my head and focus on my job. As I helped the caterers make final preparations though my thoughts couldn't help but drift to my favorite smile, brown eyes, and dimples.

"Hi, bubs." I say grabbing Paisley from Lena who's been watching her while Calum deals with groomsmen duty and I try to keep everything running smoothly.

She's pouty and irritated and in desperate need for a nap and a snack. I turn on my heel to go in search of her baby bag and just about take Calum out.

"Hey. Um...I heard her getting fussy so I grabbed her cereal puffs and her dummy."

"Thanks." I say grabbing the snack and her pacifier.

"Do you need any help?"

I glance up around the room and spy at least 7 things I should be doing right now.

"Honestly? Yes. Could you try to get her settled? I have so much to do."

He nods and takes Paisley, who's mid-meltdown now, into his arms.

"C'mon PK. Dada's got yummy snacks I know you're hungry."

She quiets and perks up almost immediately after shoving one of her soft strawberry treats into her mouth.

I smile and leave them to it to tend to the job I'm actually here to do.

The dinner and dancing portion of the evening goes off without a hitch. Slowly guests start to leave until the remaining few are close family and friends. Crystal and Micheal remain on the dance floor. Unbothered by anyone but each other and completely lost in their love.

"Dance with me." I look up in surprise to find Cal with his arm outstretched. My face must mirror my shock because he adds. "Please...it's just a dance."

He hasn't danced all night, content to sit in his chair at a table nursing his drink. I've never been very good at saying no to him though, so I nod nervously, glancing around at everyone left, finding almost all of their eyes on us.

"Everyone is staring." I whisper into his ear when he pulls me close and begins to sway with me.

"Let them."

"Where's P?" I ask.

"Ash has her."

I nod against his chest and let myself enjoy the moment. The feel of his hands on my waist, the scent of his cologne as it fills my nostrils, the way my heart still skips a beat when I'm near him. This moment makes me question everything, it makes me miss times when things were different. When he was mine.

An: everyone okay? Anyone pieces together a theory of why their engagement ended?

Complicated | Calum Hood (Sequel to Unexpected)Where stories live. Discover now