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24 weeks


"You sure we have to go? After your little tease in the shower I'm down to just stay home." Cal whines, plopping down on our bed and falling back against the comforter.

"You'll regret it if you don't and I'm going to see the girls either way so..." I shrug my shoulders and rock back and forth on my heels. I rifle through my dresser drawers looking for my favorite maternity leggings. I slide them up my legs and throw one of Cal's T-shirt's on.

"Where's my hoodie?" I ask and he raises his eyebrows.

"Okay, okay. Where's your empathy hoodie? My favorite one. The one I wear all the time because I am freezing. The one that is basically mine." He rolls his eyes dramatically but flings it at me anyways.

I smirk and tug the sweatshirt on over my head.

"Come here." He calls softly and I walk over to the bed and stand between his legs where they hang over the side of the bed.

He reaches up, his hand gripping my wrist softly, and pulls me forward. I brace myself and hover above him as he lifts his head to kiss me. I've been with Calum for almost three years now and I'm still blown away by how a simple touch from him can ignite my body from the inside out.

Our lips move in synch and his fingers trace circles over the swollen skin of my belly. He trails his hands up in an effort to remove the clothing I'd just managed to get on.

"Uh-uh. We gotta go, come on."

He groans and throws his head back but shoves himself off the bed straightening his shirt and grabbing his jacket from the back of my vanity chair.

"Paisley!" I call and she runs out of her room her backpack that's nearly as big as her strapped to her shoulders.

Cal bends down and picks her up as we head out to the garage and into my SUV.

Once we're secured into our respective seats we head off towards the Hemming's. The boys had agreed when we had suggested they meet where all the girls would be and Uber to the club from there, so they could share an Uber home and let their pregnant wives or sober girlfriend drive them home.

We appear to be the last to have arrived, a common occurrence with a two-nager in tow. We would surely only be increasing our tardiness once our little man arrived.

"Anybody home?" Cal calls, in true dad form despite us obviously seeing all the cars out front, as he steps through the front door that had been left unlocked.

We find all our friends spread around Luke and Sierra's massive sectional couch. They glance up and offer their hello's, beginning the process of saying goodbye to their girls.

"Please be careful and make good choices." I whisper to Calum. I trust him whole heartedly but that doesn't mean I'm exactly thrilled when I know he's going out to get shitfaced with the boys while all of the girls sit home. I've reached the part of the pregnancy where I'm starting to become self-conscious of my body and weight gain and it is only heightening my concerns about the boys night out.

"Always baby. You know if you don't want me to go you can just say so and we can go home? You know that right? That I won't go if you don't feel comfortable with it."

This is why I love him so fucking much.

"I want you to go have fun baby. I'm just tired, and pregnant, and fat."

"Jes, shut up. You're not fat. You're gorgeous." He mumbles against my neck as he hugs me, his body flush against mine.

I don't want to fight with him and I know I'm just having some insecurity because of the way my body is beginning to change, so I let him win, kissing him long and slow before he joins the others at the doorway as their Uber arrives.

Complicated | Calum Hood (Sequel to Unexpected)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara