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An: Smutty smut

39 Weeks


"Merry Christmas, Cal." I whisper turning on my side and leaning over to kiss him.

"Mmmm." He whines, refusing to open his eyes.

I laugh and swat at his arm playfully.

"You better get used to waking up. It's after eight, this is way later than our Christmas' in the future will probably start. Plus once Ryker is here we can pretty much say goodbye to sleeping in.

"That's why I want to sleep while I still can." He grumbles. I kiss the tip of his ear where it peeks out above the covers. He rolls over to give me access to his face and I pepper light kisses across his eyes and nose, before finally settling in his mouth. His lips are plump and soft, his tongue tangling with mine as he hums into the kiss, seeming to concede with his attempts to go back to sleep.


"Yeah baby?" He asks, his eyes still closed but his arms now extended out and around me, his bare chest brushing against my back.

"I want you."

His eyes flash open and suddenly sleep seems like the furthest throng from his mind.

I flip over and bring my lips to meet his. Our kisses are sultry and sweet. His hands wander down my sides stopping at the hem of his T-shirt I'm wearing as my pajamas. He slips his hands beneath the thin fabric and slides them up towards my chest. I shudder from his soft touch as goosebumps rise to the surface of my skin.

I raise my arms and he fully removes the shirt leaving me pressed against him only our underwear separating us.

He uses a finger to tilt my chin and pressed his lips to mine, reestablishing our contact and igniting the feeling of need within me. He pulls me against him so that the space that was once here disappears and we are a tangle of limbs and lust. He kisses me with passion and undeniable, honest love for I don't know how long, it could be seconds or hours, my sense of time completely lost as I dive into him. After a while he brings his hands down sweeping one just under the band of my panties and agonizingly close to where he is needed.

"Touch me." I beg, my body desperate for his touch. He smirks and again dips his hand under the fabric bearing even closer to my sex but denying me the contact I do desperately crave. "Cal, please." I groan. He finally appeases me sliding the fabric barrier to the side and rubbing against my heat.

"Fuck, yes!" I moan, my hips rising to meet his touch. "Hmm that feels so nice." I pant as he move his hand faster against me before slipping a finger inside. My head rolls back and my back arches as I beg him for more. I find his eyes, dark and focused, staring down on me. He swipes his tongue across his lips his desire evident.

I reach out and grab him through his boxers, playing him gently eliciting a throaty moan from my husband.

He stops his activities with his hand and discards of his underwear before removing mine as well. He lays behind me and pulls me against his chest. His erection pressed against my back as he bring his hand around and renters me with his finger. He starts frustratingly slow adding a second finger curling and scissoring them as he works me open. I gasp as he removes his fingers quickly and squeeze my legs together in an effort to relieve the pressure. He reaches between them to open them back up as he aligns his penis and pushes into me.

He starts gentle and slow, rocking his hips into me and gradually building speed and intensity. His hands are everywhere as he moves in an out, the friction from his thrusts enough to set me ablaze. He runs his hands over my hardened nipples and cups me engorged breasts. His breath is hot against my neck and I can hear his ragged breathing as he begins to unravel. He reaches between my legs, finding my clit and giving it extra attention. The pressure of his thumb on my weakness and his intense thrust has my legs shaking and unbridled moans falling from my swollen lips.

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