Chapter 14

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{•~• Elsa's POV•~•}

Jack and I's song... Meant everything to me. Telling him I was going to love him for a thousand years was like lifting a weight off of my chest. I smiled at the thought of Jack and I leaning in at the end of the song. I seriously thought he was going to kiss me, but I chuckled and shook my head at the thought.

"ELSA! Hellooo?" Anna screamed. I snapped out of dreamland and looked around.

"Where's the fire?!" I exclaimed getting into position to fire ice to protect my friends.

Anna laughed. "Nowhere, silly. I was wanting to know what you wanted to eat. Kristoff and I are getting food!" She said hooking her arm in Kristoff's.

"Uh, I'll have a plain burger and a small fry please sis." I said embarrassingly picking the seams of my shirt.

"M'kay! We'll be back in a bit!" Anna gushed, dragging Kristoff with her.

"Anybody else think her and Kristoff are secretly dating?" I asked once the two got out of earshot. The gang one by one, raised their hands.

"Yeah, me too." I said sitting back in my chair.

Everyone just silently looked around. We were bored, seems like.

"Uuugh! There's nothing to do!" Merida cried, accidentally smacking Hiccup on the forehead when she threw her arms up.

"Ouch!" Hiccup gasped, his hand flying to his forehead. Merida giggled.

"Sorry 'bout that Hic." Merida gushed, looking at Hiccup's 'wound'.

"Heh, I'm fine Mer." Hiccup said blushing. Merida blushed too, but covered it up nicely with her fiery red hair.

We talked about where we were going for Thanksgiving, and turns out, nobody's really leaving to somewhere far.

"We get to hang out most of break." Jack said glancing at me. I smiled a small smile.

"Yup." I said popping the 'p'.

Soon, Anna and Kristoff came back with their arms full of bags.

"Food bringers to the rescue!" Anna exclaimed, dumping the bags on the table. We all examined the pile and got what we ordered.

I carefully bit into my hamburger and chatted with everyone else. Soon, the doorbell rang.

"Wonder who that could be?" I asked walking to the door.

I opened it to reveal Mike. I grimaced and tried to be nice.

"Hello, Mike." I said grinding my teeth.

"Hi Elsa, may I step in?" He asked smirking.

"No, actually, I have a few visitors along with my sister, and I don't need you ruining their fantastic time." I snapped.

"Oh, come on Elsa. Quit the act. We both know you're totally into me." Mike said spreading his arms.

"I'm not totally into you at all. I completely loathe you after what you did to my sister and I!" I growled.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Little Elsa needs a wake up call that I'm your only suitor. What does that mean?" Mike said smirking wider.

"Ugh, like I'd ever go on a date with you, much less be your girlfriend." I sneered.

"Elsa? What's going on, who is it?" I heard a deep voice say coming towards me.

"I-I uh. Jack! This is Mike... Um, he's my suitor, but I don't want him to be..." I rambled. Jack leaned and whispered in my ear.

"I got this." He breathed straitening up. I stood beside him as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"What are you doing being my girlfriend's suitor?" He said deeply, acting mad. Mike, much smaller than Jack, trembled before him.

"I fancy her, plus I would be way better to her." Mike decided, getting snappy. Jack apparently didn't like that.

"Oh yeah? Then why'd she pick me over you, punk?" Jack said stepping closer to Mike.

"Because she doesn't know how ladies should be treated!" Mike sneered, looking at the burger in my hand.



"Woah, feisty pants! Don't throw rocks." Jack said scooping me up. I relaxed when I was in his arms, and he took me inside. I had just also realized that Mike had run away while I was screaming.

I huffed and shot ice at the wall. Much better.

Jack chuckled. "You sure got attitude." I smirked. "Yeah, I get it from my dad's side." He laughed.

We got back to the table and Anna was standing there wide-eyed.

"What's wrong?" I asked looking around the room. Everyone was quiet.

"Jack... YOU'RE DATING ELSA?!" Anna screamed, running towards us and hugging us.

"Anna, no we're not. That was an act to get Mike away." I said, pulling her off of me.

"W-what? No Jelsa?" Anna asked.

"No." I said, sighing.

"Well then. CONTINUE." Anna said going back to her burger. Everyone just slowly started chatting, and it ended up to be 12 o'clock before we even yawned.

Jack and I shared a hug at the front door, when everyone else had left, Rapunzel and Anna went upstairs.

"Thanks for saving my butt." I said hugging him tight.

"Anytime." He said putting his cheek on my head.

"No, really. Thanks." I said kissing his cheek. I turned around to see him slowly walking to his car, looking over his shoulder at me. I smiled and waved. He waved back and got in his car.

"I love you." I murmured before closing the door completely.


Hey snowstorm! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been really busy, and tomorrow I'll be finishing some assignments and going through a sugar crash. As you see, tonight's Halloween. Therefore, sugar crash in the morning.

See you guys soon. (I hope)

-Emmmaaaa 😊☺️😉🐳🐳

Do that double whale! 💁

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