Chapter 32

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{Elsa's POV}

I opened my eyes and glanced around a white room.

"Huh...? Where am I?" I called out. A head of frizzy red hair was laying on the couch, back first, playing on her phone.

"Huh?! Elsa?!" Merida asked and looked my way, her blue eyes wide.

Then, all of a sudden, she lost grip of her phone and it fell and smacked her in the face.

I giggled loudly and Merida rubbed her cheek and scowled at me.

"Where am I?" I asked again once I got Merida's attention.

"Oh! Yer in tha hospital, lassy," Merida answered. I gasped.

"Where's Jack?!" I shrieked, making a bolt for the door.

"No! He's in tha room next ter this'n! They're healin' his broken leg is all." Merida panicked, holding me back.

"Then why are you panicking?!" I yelled, clawing for the door.

"The nurses don't want cha out... I'll get in trouble and have ter leave!" Merida said quickly, tearing me from the door and sitting me back on the bed.

"Hmph, alright." Not fully believing her, crossing my arms.

"Just wait a few minutes. Jack'll come see you, er, you can go see him." She blushed. She slipped up.

"Jack's coming to see me?! Well why didn't you tell me, I would've stayed in my spot!" I exclaimed, happy as a lark. (A/N: Omg my southern slang got the best of me.)

"Er... You weren't supposed to know." Merida said, scratching the back of her neck, smiling sheepishly.

"Oh! Lips are sealed." I said, 'zipping' my lips.

"Heh, yeah that would do me good." Merida laughed and resumed playing on her phone.

"How long have I been out?" I asked. Merida looked up, tapped her chin and smirked.

"About 4 days." She said, going back to her phone.

"Holy moly! Today's Christmas?!" I yelled, freezing the bed.

"Yeah it is! Don't freak out! Lassy, calm down! Nobody's celebrated without you!" Merida reassured. I sighed and rubbed my temples.

The bed slowly went back to normal.


[Jack's POV]

I got ready with Kristoff.

I had an ice blue suit on, and white shoes. Kristoff had worn a brown suit with black shoes.

We didn't wear ties because we couldn't figure out how to put them on.

"You ready?" Kristoff asked. I nodded. 4 Days without my Snowflake right after we were finally reunited after 2 weeks.

"Yeah, let's go." I swelled up my cheeks and puffed out very cold air.

I got on my crutches and hobbled to Kristoff's car.

I gave my crutches to Kristoff after I got in the passenger's seat.

Kristoff put my crutches in the back and hopped in.

"Is the site ready?" I asked Kristoff. He nodded and smiled.

"Exactly like you wanted it." He answered. I sighed in relief.

"Good. Elsa's going to love it." I said happily as we drove to the hospital.


{Elsa's POV}

"Hey Elsie!" Anna said as she opened my hospital room door.

"Hey An- What's that?" I pointed to the bags she were carrying.

"Just some stuff I got for you." Anna answered happily while setting it out on the bed.

"Uhm, right." I said cautiously, edging my way to the bed like a curious hamster.

"Here!" Anna threw a wad of fabrics at me. I gasped at the sight.

It was an ice blue dress with snowflakes on the fringes on the dress, and had snowflake shaped sequins all over it.

"Oh Anna! Why did you get this?" I asked, running my hands over it.

"Do you not want to be fabulous when we get home?" Anna asked. I shrugged.

"I guess."

"Then hurry up and put it on! The others want us home by eight!" Anna squealed, tapping her watch.

"Uh, alright." I mumbled while Anna turned around so I could change.


[Jack's POV]

Kristoff and I drove up to the hospital.

"Ready buddy?" I asked.

"Yeah. Anna's gonna get changed when we get there." Kristoff said, parking the car.

"Good. I need all the help I can get." I said sheepishly. Kristoff got out and got my crutches from the back.

"Here." He said, opening the door and handing me my crutches. I stood up slowly and hobbled to the hospital with Kristoff at my side.

We got inside and sat in the waiting room, putting magazines up to our faces so Elsa wouldn't see us.

"I can't wait." I said excitedly. Kristoff chuckled.

"I bet you're on the edge of your seat." He laughed.

Then I saw her.


Hello Snowstorm!

I've been working on this chapter for 3 days and I do say, I'm quite proud of it.




Were texting me asking when I was going to update and I was like,"Guyyyyz, it's flipping Christmas! Do I have to?"



Then I facepalmed.


-Emmer 😂🔥🐳😍

Have a Whaley Christmas!
(Just kidding. Have a Merry Christmas.)

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