Chapter 23

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[*Jack's POV*]

I'll admit, I was nervous.

Elsa's Aunt Corona was actually here, and will be present during this dinner.

What if she doesn't approve of Elsa and I's relationship? What if she just doesn't like me in general? What if she hates the way I treat Elsa? What if she thinks I'm not good enough for Elsa? What if-

"Jack! Hellooo?" Elsa's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry snowflake. You were saying?" I said embarrassed.

"I was saying that we should push Anna and Kristoff under that mistletoe before dinner." Elsa explained.

"Oh, right! I'll push Kristoff and you push Anna. Only seems fair." I said, hugging Elsa one more time before we got into our positions.

Anna and Kristoff came in, happily chatting about animals, when Elsa and I jumped out.

I grabbed Kristoff's arms and shoved them behind his back so he couldn't move or fight. Elsa did the same with Anna.

Elsa and I pushed and pushed a protesting Kristoff and Anna.

"Hey! Ouch! Cut that out! No! Stop! What are you doing?! Heeeelp!" They screamed and yelled, but Elsa and I didn't budge. Even Rapunzel and Flynn came and helped.

We pushed one last time and Kristoff and Anna ended up under the mistletoe. The rest of us backed up and steered clear of the the flustered couple.

Elsa sneaked her phone out and took a video. I decided to do the same.

"Uhm... Wha...?" Kristoff and Anna stammered, trying to find a reason to get the heck out of there.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss," The group chanted. Anna and Kristoff got red-faced and finally faced each other and puckered up.

"Yes!" Elsa exclaimed as Anna and Kristoff's lips touched. We cheered and they looked like they were about to pass out.

"I'm going to kill you Rapunzel/Flynn. I'm gonna kill Jack/Elsa too." Kristoff and Anna said at the same time.

"Kiiiids! Dinner!" Mrs. Corona shouted. Anna and Kristoff scurried to the dinner table, Rapunzel and Flynn walked casually there, and I fidgeted with Elsa by my side.

"Hey, it'll be fine." Elsa said, rubbing my arm to comfort me.

"Yeah, yeah, it'll be fine." I said reassuring myself more than Elsa. Elsa smiled sweetly at me, and I pinched her cheek.

"Sit next to me and everything will be alright." Elsa reassured. I nodded and entered the dining room with her.

"Jack, Elsa! What a nice surprise!" A shrill voice rang out. Elsa smiled lightly and I smiled as well. Mrs. Corona.

"I thought you two would be out on a date or such!" Mrs. Corona said, waving her hands in dismissal. I shook my head and smiled.

"No ma'am, Elsa invited me for dinner." I answered, my cheeks heating up as Mrs. Corona's full attention came to me.

"That's lovely! Elsa dear, could you go get the plates? Jack, have a seat!" Mrs. Corona ordered, patting a seat on the left of Flynn. Elsa nodded and let go of my hand to go get the plates.

Immediately, my hand felt cold. I already missed Elsa's hand in mine. It's like she takes my body heat away and doesn't give it back until she comes back.

I smiled a small smile and quickly and quietly took a seat.

"So, Jack, how's Mrs. Marion? Is she doing well after adopting that adorable young girl?" Mrs. Corona inquired. I nodded and smiled thinking of Jane.

"She's an angel. Mom's doing well and is glad to add a new child to the household. Jane seems to have completely thrown all of her past in the garbage and started a new life with Mom and I." I answered, fiddling with the hem of my sweater.

Just then, Elsa came back with the plates.

"Here you go," She said every time she gave a plate to someone. I smiled and tugged her braid as she went by. She looked back at me and pulled a face. I forgot Mrs. Corona was sitting there, and pulled one right back.

"Ahhhh, young love." Mrs. Corona sighed, looking straight at us with a hand on her chest. I blushed and so did Elsa.

"Mom, it's called Jelsa." Rapunzel said, and Mrs. Corona's face lit up.

"You mean a ship name?" Mrs. Corona asked with a smile as wide as a bobcat's.

"Yeah Auntie." Anna said. Kristoff and Flynn face palmed.

Mrs. Corona squealed,"I SHIP IT!"

Elsa and I sighed and turned crimson.


Heyo my snowstorm!

Sooo Ik you guys were about to kill me bc I haven't updated in 2 days, *cough* cindysolomon526 *Cough*.

So here it is!

*Throws cake at you*

Pick your favorite!

-Emmer 😂😅🐳💁


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