BatBoys and multilingual S/O

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He believes you are very intelligent for knowing so much

Actually appreciates the fact that you love to learn other languages and be closer to different cultures

Giving the fact that he's also very smart he would most likely be fluent in the languages you know

You two would totally switch from English to another language

It's like your thing

Some people think it's annoying because they can't understand and they think you talk about them

You do actually talk about them

He won't admit but he like gossiping with you about the League or the boys

Sometimes even Alfred


he LOVES it

asks you to tell him romantic things even though he doesn't understand a word

loves when you call him different pet names in other languages

when you're pissed you trash talk him in like french and he has no clue

also you swear in all the languages and he immediately regrets for pissing you off

he just loves how you pronounce words

even words like bread

for real

he would randomly ask you how to say different things in a specific language

would listen to you speaking 24/7

would definitely brag about his s/o knowing so much like who wouldn't


he thinks that it's amazing that you can read books in other languages

because you know there are always books that aren't translated in English and only some people can read them

He'd love to know so many languages for the love of books

He actually tries to learn

Like he's involved

Jason would definitely make you his translator like what the hell

When he's on a mission in Europe or somewhere where the people speak a language you do would totally call you to help him out

He absolutely loves when you say words in other languages while being intimate

One of his guilty pleasures

Definitely impressed

You two would sometimes talk in Spanish cause he actually learned it in school


He would use you as a translator too

Also impressed

Like really impressed

The boy was shocked

I am not gonna lie

He likes the idea that you are intelligent

Thinks it's impressive

Sometimes when he's working on a case he stops to listen to you speaking in whatever language he can't understand with relatives or friends

You began to notice

A few times you just pretended to have a phone conversation just for him to be able to listen to you

Cute pet names

He googles nice things in the languages you know and tries to learn them for you


Also loves it

He always wanted for an s/o who can speak Arabic

Sometimes he misses speaking Arabic so now he's able to do it with you

Thing he really loves and appreciates

Cute Arabic pet names

He won't admit it but he loves when you're saying 'I love you' in other languages especially Arabic

You definitely talk trash the boys at dinner

Like father like son I guess

You two would travel the world and learn other languages

It's like your thing

You two intelligent love birds


I just checked the demographic status of this book and damn, I have readers from all over the globe! That's insane! Thank you, guys!

Also, I posted Chapter 5 in my book with Damian (Would You Be So Kind). Maybe you want to check it out :)


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