First Convo

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I just paused. "I'm fallon." I say calmly.
"Fallon..... Very different, I've never heard that name before."
"Yea, my parents came up with it, it's not a common name.. at all." I shrug off.
"Do you like it?" He asks. Why is he asking me all these questions??
"No, not at all." I say chuckling
"Well I like it." He says smiling, I look over with one of my eyebrows up, he probably says that to all the girls I think to myself.
"Did I say something wrong?" He asked with a concerned look on his face. I quickly fix my face
"No, um.... That's just something I don't here every day is all." The bell rings and I get up and walk out the class.
"Hey wait up!" He yells and follows behind me, I wait on him.
"Yea?" I say
"Where you going after this?" He says while walking with me in the hallway.
"Well I go to my locker to meet up with my friend Diamond, then we both have precalculous next period...." As we're walking up to my locker. I can see diamonds face from here while she's waiting.
"Hey fallon." She says with a mischievous look on her face.
"Hey diamond." I give her a look that means, Please Do not say anything that'll embaress me.
"Hey, I'm diamond, Fallon's bestfriend." She says while reaching out her hand to shake his, he shakes it.
"I'm Michael, nice to meet you." I look over at him smiling. Damn he's the finest thing I've ever laid eyes on.
"Ok, well I don't want to be late so ima go... Hopefully I get to see you at lunch, it was nice meeting you fallon." He says before walking away
"You too." I look over at Diamond making kissy faces at me.
"Oh, shut up Diamond! It's nothing like that." She grins
"I don't know fallon... I haven't seen him talking to any girls lately, besides you." I look over at her.
"Well that's only because we have first period together Diamond, he sits right next to me so he really didn't have a choice but to talk to me."
"Yea, sure." I roll my eyes and the late bell starts to ring.
"Dammit Diamond, we're gonna be late!" We take off running.

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