I got a suprise for ya

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"Michael...." I said blushing. He starts to chuckle.
"I'm not taking no for an answer, c'mon."
I smile and finally get up. He walks me to the dance floor, spins me around, then pulls me in. We are chest to chest now. My arms wrapped around his neck and his hands locked around my waist.

"Why you smiling so much girl?" He whispers to me while we rock back and forth. I bury my face in his chest to hide it.
"I don't know.." I said sounding like a child.
"Look at me girl.." And I do exactly what I'm told.
"I want you to know that I appreciate you and everything you do for me. And I thank you for accepting me... The real me." He said and I started to smile once again.

"No problem michael... It's what I'm here for.. I'm so grateful to even have you in my life. I feel as if I don't even deserve you.." I said burying my neck in his chest while we continue to dance.
"You don't deserve me??! Pssh, don't be silly." He said twirling me around again. "You deserve the world." He whispered in my ear causing chills down my back. He bit his lip feeling my soft chills on his fingers.
"Michael you are my world..." I told him while placing my hand on his cheek. He's blushing so hard I feel the heat of his face on my hand

"Stay right here... I have a suprise for you." He said letting go of me and walking away

"Wait, michael where are you going?"

All of a sudden I see him jumping on stage stopping the music. What is this boy doing?!

"Hello?? Is this thing on?" He said softly, while tapping the mic, everyone in the room gets quiet and their faces are just as confused as mines is.

"I just wanted to say that I'm thankful for all of you for taking me in so kindly. Ya know, it's not easy for a new student to be accepted by a new crowd. So thank you for allowing me to be apart of you guys school, It's been a great semester so far." Everyone including me was clapping and happy, some football players were chanting some words that only they would understand.

"But the reason why I'm really up here is because someone I truly adore is here tonight. She's an amazing girl inside and out, and she's someone that can put a smile on my face no matter what I'm going through. Fallon I wrote this song for you." He then clears his throat.

Oh my god what is he about to do?! Is he about to sing to me infront of all these people?! Can he even sing??! I need to get him off that stage now before he embarrass himself infront of hundreds of people.

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