Oh.... Hi Janet

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We walk inside and michael takes off my jacket and hangs it up for me.

"Make yourself comfortable babe, I'll be right back." He said before going upstairs. I wonder around his large house looking at all the beautiful paintings that were plastered all over the wall. I also noticed a family picture of him with his family members.

"I don't believe we've meet before." A soft but fiesty voice spoke out, it startled me. I turned around to find where the voice was coming from, and saw a woman standing at the top of the stairs.

"Um... No, we haven't... I'm Fallon." I told her. I then heard her sniffing at the air, I couldn't see her much since it was darker on her side.

"And you are...... Human?" She said

"Yes." I said

She then started to chuckle. Her laugh was kinda like my michaels but more sensual and exotic.

"I knew it... I can hear your fragile little heartbeat from a mile away." She spat out. She then jumped all the way from the top of the stairs to infront of me, landing on both her two feet. I quickly backed up to give her some space, damn I didn't expect that.

"Are you a friend of my brothers?" She said looking directly into my eyes. As I got closer to her, I'm amazed at how much she looks like Michael! Her eyes, her cheekbones... She's just beautiful! And her reddish brown hair she had matched her fierce personality so well.

"I'm his girlfriend." I said while trying to keep my cool. "You must be Janet?" I asked

"Yes, I am." She said while folding her arms.

"Janet???!" Michael yelled while running down the stairs, I immediately ran to his side.

"Janet... I was looking for you, you turd! This is my girlfriend Fallon... Fallon this is my sister Janet." He told us as if we never heard of one another.
"Yes... I met your little human." She said meanly and I chuckled

"Janet.... Really?!" Michael said, his eyes turned jet black

"For the third time, I'm his girlfriend.. Not just some random ass human." I told her without biting my tongue and I saw her smile at Michael.

"I like her." She said looking at me and him. "If she can handle my mouth, she can handle anything... Welcome to the family." She said walked up to me and have me a hug.
Oh thank god... She likes me

"Good.." Michael said placing his hands in his pockets, "So, Janet are you gonna be staying here tonight?" He asked her

"There's a full moon out tonight. Its time to have fun.. So no, Why?" She said while putting on her coat.

"Just wanted to have the house to myself with my girl." Michael said while grabbing my hand, I automatically smiled.

"Ok, have fun guys.. And Fallon, we'll talk some more soon later, I still don't know if I can trust a human around my brother." I rolled my eyes and she left

"That went well don't ya think?"

I playfully pushed michaels arm, ignoring his sarcasm. We both started laughing.

"Let's go upstairs." He said placing his arm around my shoulder

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