What a day

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The day is over and I had already talked to Diamond about the little incident that happened with me and Stacey. I haven't talked to michael at all about it because I don't want him to worry, or be upset. And I'm almost positive Stacey won't say anything else. Because if she does... That'll just be another topic.
Diamond and I are now walking outside to Michael's car since school just ended for the day.
"Stacey is literally the nastiest person in school. Like how dare she be so rude to you!" Diamond shouted.
"It's jealousy. She's always been jealous of me. I honestly don't even care for her. She's pathetic." I said flipping my hair back
"I'm so mad I wasn't with you when yall got into it girl." We are now leaning against michaels red car.

"It's perfectly fine, don't even trip about it. I'm just glad I finally said something to her."
"Yea, maybe she can shut up now." She said and we both laugh.
"So have you um....talked to michael about what happened today?" She said kicking a rock on the ground.

"No, and I don't plan on it either. I wouldn't even know how he'd react."

"Fallon, I..."
We then saw michael speed walking out of the school, coming towards the car. "Fallon are you ok? I'm so sorry she even said anything to you. You know I don't like that girl, she's a witch! I would never ever ever in a million years touch her."
"Michael who told you that I-" I instantly looked over at Diamond.

"I'm sorry fallon, I didn't know you didn't want him to know." She said looking at me with those little brown eyes she has. Diamond pisses me off sometimes but I love her to death, I could never be mad at her for long.
"Whatever." I muttered, "Michael I'm fine, everything is ok."

"You sure? Do you need me to talk to her? Because-"
"Michael... I already have the situation under control. You ready?" I said to him before getting in his car. He nodded.

We finally arrive at my house later on that evening, I received a call from my mom while we were pulling up.

"Hey mom..... Yea I was just out with michael for alittle.... We're actually outside the house now..... Oh, um, I don't know... I'll ask him..... Ok, bye..."
Michael then turns off his car.
"So... My mom asked if you would like to stay for dinner." I said looking over at him biting my lip. "Do you want to?"
"I heard... And I would love too." He said smiling over at me.
"Michael I don't know if you know what your getting yourself into. They may... I don't even know." I told him seriously. I know my parents are just about to hound this poor guy with a billion questions!
"I'm ready for anything girl." He said grabbing my hand walking up to the door. Luckily my mom answered it and not my dad. He would have mugged the hell out of Michael. Not saying that my dad is racist or anything, but he would definetely be suprised to see an African American guy showing up at his house, holding his daughters hand.

"Well hi there, Michael, nice seeing you again." My mom said motioning us in.

I really hope this goes well...

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