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"So what your saying is I could possibly turn into a werewolf?!" I asked michael after listening to his long mythical story he told me.
"Sort of.." He said biting his lip, I start to pace around the room
"Oh michael.. This is not good, this is not good at all." He then grabbed my hand so I could stop pacing.
"Fallon, baby, it's just a myth.."

"So .. Does this mean we shouldn't...... You know.. Do it?" I asked hoping he would say no
"Fallon, I would die, if I couldn't make love to you... We'll just see how everything goes and we'll decide from then on ok?" I nod my head
After spending a few hours at michaels house, he finally takes me home. This is gonna be so weird especially knowing that I'm not a Virgin anymore! What if my mom can sense that I'm not one... Or what if she has some kind of weird virgin or non Virgin radar that'll go off.. Just relax fallon.. Everything is going to be fine

"Hey kiddo." My dad said while playfully punching my shoulder
"Hey dad, is mom home?" I asked
"No she went to the grocery store to grab a couple of things she'll be back in a few."
"Oh.... Ok well when she comes tell her I'm here, I'll just be in my room." I said before walking off
"Um, fallon, come here a sec." My dad said sternly.
"Did you... Did somebody punch you in the mouth?" He asked while pulling my face closer to his. Damn it! I forgot I had this bruise on my lip

"Oh um....... Diamond and I were dancing lastnight, and she um... She busted my lip with her elbow." I quickly made up a dumb lie, but I had to
"Hmm.. Well, she must be a horrible dancer." He laughed
"Yea she is.."
I hurried upstairs and locked my door. I want to make sure I know every mark michael put on my body before my mom comes home. So I get completely undressed..
"Oh my god.. It's worst than I thought." I said touching my arm, neck, lips, and thighs
"These are gonna take DAYS to heal." I said while looking at the bruises on my arms

"I'm sorry..." I heard michael say out of no where.
"Shit! Michael..." I said while quickly covering my body with a blanket. I always forget how smoothly he comes through the window, he always scares me.
"Sorry to scare you too... Fallon why didn't you show me these marks??" He said walking up to me touching my arm.
"Because I didn't think it was this bad." I said to him
"Here take this off." He said lifting up my blanket
"No." I said tugging it back
"C'mon girl, I've seen your entire body, and I love everything on it, just take it off." He said and I slowly took off the blanket. Michael then started to kiss my lips, then my neck, then to my stomach, then to my thighs..
"Michael.... Not right now... Please." I said biting my lip
"Fallon I'm not trying to turn you on or anything, it's just something a wolf can do to someone they love, that'll make any marks they have disappear." I then looked in the mirror and the marks were slowly fading.
"Wow, michael that is amazing.." I said observing my body in the mirror
"Now can I put my blanket back on?" I asked him, he then smirked at me, I knew exactly what that meant

"Not yet girl..... Let me-"

"FALLON ARE YOU HOME?????" my mother yelled while coming upstairs, michael hopped straight out of the window, and I hurried up and threw on some clothes.

"Yessss mom, here I come!!"

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